Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

For more of my thoughts on Valentine's Day, check out this post from last year! 

And, without further ado, I present you....

Christian James Foote. 

Most Eligible Bachelor. 

I like ...
Big, wet kisses. 
Long walks in my stroller. 
Sharing my blankie. 
Dancing and Singing...I even write my own lyrics!
A good book...mainly for chewing on. 
A tall glass of boobie milk. 

I also like to "get around" but don't worry, I know where to come home too. I'm a one lady man. Right now my mama has my heart, but someday I think I'll be willing to share it with another... 

Will you be my lucky lady? 

All interested ladies can apply by contacting my mommy. 
She will do the pre-screening and schedules all my play dates :) 

For the record, doing a photo shoot with a mobile baby, a flower, and a shirt with words that you want to be read is near impossible and really tested my photographer skills...I almost gave up. 

There was crying.

"Please let me eat that rose, mom! I know it's going to be delicious!!" 

Don't give a baby a rose, expect him to not shake it to smithereens and NOT eat it and then take it away and expect him to be happy...

There was also lots of "tasting"...

And distracting in attempts to get him to just hold the rose nicely without covering the words on his shirt...

There was very little smiling and looking at the camera....until he took a selfie! 

We made due and were still able to print off some pretty cute Valentine's for our little guy to send out to his loved ones! 

Actually, we were really lucky this even got done! I randomly got the idea about a week ago and we quick through a set up together and snapped some pictures so we could get Valentine's ordered! They just got here a few days ago so I got them addressed and sent out right away...hopefully everyone gets them close to on time! 

So...have you been watching The Bachelor this season with Juan Pablo!??! I tell myself after every season that I'm not going to watch it again next season because, well, its just so not real life, rarely works out, and usually makes me disappointed in the awesome husband I have because we ARE living real life...which doesn't involve my hubs flying me to exotic romantic locations and spending lots of time just making out and relishing in one another...on a a hot get the idea ;) Oh...and in my real life, my husband doesn't own his own private that only my life? Ya, pretty sure I'm not alone on that one. 

All of that to say, my hubby is awesome. He treats me the best and I love doing real life with him! But I also love indulging in some bad tv every week...and watching my hubby try to do Juan Pablo impressions...yep...he does that. Love my life! 

Oh...and since I went there...I'm totally rooting for Renee or Clare to get the "FINAL rose"! Yep. Clare...the go getter. I started out really liking Nikki, but now I'm just not a fan. 

So, back in our real life world, we will be having a yummy dinner of steaks and sweet potatoes at home, playing a fun game which we take turns making up every year, and snuggling our little love bug baby boy! Doesn't get much better than that! 

How do you love on your honey for Valentine's Day? 


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