Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Guest Post at Nicole Joelle ::: Tips and Activities to Keep You from Going Stir Crazy with a Toddler

Hello friends! I have something new for you today!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to be a guest writer over at Nicole Joelle Learning to Dwell {one of my favorites I shared with you recently!!!} and want you to check it out!

Here's a sneak peek of the post....


In case you missed it...I'm living in Minnesota! Can you say Brrrr????

Not only that but I think I often feel like I'm going crazy as I'm cooped up in my house day after day just trying to stay warm...AND keep a very active toddler entertained. Well, actually, let's be honest, it's more work keeping mommy entertained than my toddler some days. Christian is easily entertained. 

4 Tips to Keep from Going Stir Crazy with a Toddler 

1. Get out of the house 
Visit the library 
Go to the zoo
Walk the mall and play at the mall play area
Play at the Children's Museum 
Go for a walk 
Play at the park (even with snow!)
Play outside
Visit a pet store and look at the animals 
Walk around a toy store 
Go to a Moms Group 
Attend a music class 
Attend classes at the library 
Join an ECFE class 

2. Plan one structured activity every day that you will be cooped up at home 
Fridays are our "Free Play Days". On these days, I try not to plan anything and we just play. We often stay in our jammies all day and we just play whatever Christian wants to play. I can do this one day a week, but not 5! So on the other days of the week I try to structure our days and build in activities. 

Click {here} to read the rest of this post and get some ideas to keep your toddler busy! 

Monday, January 12, 2015

One Word 2015 - Enjoy!

My "One Word" 

Print from Nicole Joelle Print Shop {here}

Ecclesiastes 2:24
"So then I decided there is nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God.

As I reflect on my "one word 2014 -- Simplify" I'm realizing that a lot of what my one word for 2015 encompasses is actually quite the same as last year! 

I was late to the game in sharing my word last year and it looks like I'm late again this year. 

But better late than never. 

I have to be honest and say that I think I lost focus on my word a few months in to 2014. Actually, the lack of focus on "Simplifying" probably came with the focus on our new house! While Simplifying probably became less of a focus because we suddenly had more space, the idea was still there in my mind as I tried hard to focus on the right things -- taking more of a back seat with blogging, instagram, and social media mainly. 

However, while I LOVE love love!!! being a stay at home mom, a lot of days 
it is a lot harder than I ever imagined. 

I think I entered stay at home mommyhood with slightly too high of expectations...or maybe even just inaccurate expectations. 

I thought that because I would be home full time I would always be able to make delicious, healthy meals for my family. 

My house would always be clean. 

I would get an adequate amount of "mommy time".

It would just be all around easier because I wouldn't be balancing work and home. 

This hasn't exactly been the case. 

Every day is a juggling act -- how do I get the dishes done without having to change my clothes after because a toddler wants to help...or a toddler destroys the house while I do the dishes. I definitely don't have MORE time by being home. 

And being with Christian 24/7 I think has not only made him a mama's boy {and I'm not complaining about that!} but it has also created a need in this introvert mama to have even MORE mama time! 

So this year I'm wanting to focus on just ENJOYING the moment. 

Enjoying that my house isn't always clean because it is full of life and we are having fun. 

Enjoying that I'm still not at my pre-pregnancy weight because my exercise only consists of chasing a toddler but I choose time with him over time at the gym. 

Enjoying that even though I'm tired at the end of the day, I am the one who gets to be with Christian and give him all the hugs and kisses he needs all day long even on his extra fussy days. 

Enjoying that when my husband seems "needy" because I just don't have much left to give, that I'm lucky to have a husband who so wants to spend time with me and love on me. 

Enjoying that we have toys to make our house messy and food that makes my little ones hands sticky enough to leave hand prints all around my house. 

Enjoying that today is a gift and even the little things deserved to be enjoyed. 

This year I want to spend less time trying to change what is and more time enjoying it! 

God has given me this day, and I don't want to change it, I want to embrace it and live it for all that it is because today is a gift! 

Do you pick a word of the year? What is your "one word" for 2015? 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Top 5 Posts of 2014

Crazy to think that 2014 has already come and gone! Time definitely doesn't slow down and now 2015 is already here! Actually 2015 is already 11 days in!

Looking back over the past year, here are the top 5 posts (most viewed by you!!) here at Midwest Mama! Click the post title to read the post in full in case you missed it before!

5. A Day in My Life -- {In Pictures}

4. Toddler Approved Fall Crafts

3. Social Media and Motherhood -- 5 Tips to Disconnect and Find {Connection}

2. How to be the "Perfect" Parent

1. Countdown to Christmas Scripture Chain

What was your favorite post at Midwest Mama this year? What would you like to see more of in 2015? 

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