Thursday, October 17, 2013

Preparing for Daylight Savings Time

At 2am on Sunday, November 3, 2013, Americans will be turning their clocks back 1 hour marking the end of Daylight Savings Time. 

This has been a day that I have looked forward to for as long as I can remember.

Until I got pregnant. 

I remember savoring that extra hour of sleep last year as a sleepy, sick preggo mommy to be
At the same time, I was grieving over my last year of getting an hour of extra sleep. 

Well, friends, I'm doing my very best to make that NOT be true! 

Although our schedule is sometimes more of a "routine", we do do our best to have a consistent, set bedtime for Christian. He has went to bed at about 9pm ever since he was about 1 month old

After Daylight Savings Time, 8pm will really feel like 9pm. 

Since our hope is to keep Christian's bedtime at about 9pm (so he can have more awake time with Daddy after he is home from work), we are attempting to slowly shift Christian's bedtime to 10pm pre-Daylight Savings and turning our clocks back. That way, 9pm will still be his right bedtime after Daylight Savings. Or, who knows, the kid may always end up deciding that he is ready for bed at 8pm anyway! Babies sure keep you on your toes! 

So basically our attempt is to shift Christian's bedtime by 15 minutes every week leading up to November 3rd. 

Week of October 7th - Bedtime 9:15pm 
Week of October 14th - Bedtime 9:30pm
Week of October 21 - Bedtime 9:45pm 
Week of October 28 - Bedtime 10pm 

This has been working great for us so far! However, a later bedtime works for Christian since I stay home with him and we don't have to worry about him getting woke up in the morning to get to day care. As his bedtime has been moving later he is now sleeping until almost 11am most days. But this works for us. 

Keep in mind, you could also slowly shift the bedtime AFTER Daylight Savings as well! 

Fingers crossed that this will work and I won't be surprised with a baby up at the crack of dawn! :) 

Here's to an extra hour of sleep!
But maybe not... 

Are you doing anything to get ready for Daylight Savings Times? Do you have any tips? 


  1. You know I was so worried about this last year, but it did not matter one bit! Grace still went to bed and woke up at the same times! Still no sleeping in, but atleast I wasn't up super early! Good idea on changing the time slowly, I was definitely not that prepared!

    1. Honestly, I'm not 100% sure if its going to make a difference either! ha ha! We try to be consistent with bedtime, but some nights we run a little late :( So maybe he will make the shift in time no problems at all! I'm thinking it will be a bigger deal once he is older. Glad to hear it didn't really affect Grace!

  2. Joseph's bed time is about 10 right now. Bath at 9.. Just because of our working sched. I got to work from 5p-1030 and my husband is home from work right before 5. I haven't even thought about the time change but I honestly feel it won't take a toll on us. Joseph's sleep is so out if wack no matter what we try to do.
    Good luck with yours! Hope everything works out!

    1. I'm thinking this might be more helpful in the future...We "try" for a consistent bedtime but then life happens and sometimes we run late lol Thanks, though! I"m hoping it helps at least a little, but he's pretty flexible right now like you said it might not really matter yet for us either!


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