Thursday, February 20, 2014

Christian James - 8 Months Old

Sooo...I'm just a tad bit late in getting this posted! You will be 9 months old in almost a week (9 days to be exact)!!! 

I can't believe how big you are getting and the new things you are learning every day are so exciting! 
I wish I could just freeze time, though and make you slow down! 

Taking your pictures this month was quite the wouldn't sit still long enough for me to snap a picture! So you are on the go in most of these pictures! Although, after I gave you a toy, you were a little more interested in sitting still :) You're my active little guy! 

With that said, you are losing some of your cheeks and thinning out a bit. 

You gained exactly 1 pound since last month and are now weighing in at 
21 pounds, 6 ounces and are about 29 inches long (an inch longer than last month)  

You are also very curious these just wanted to check out that sticker that mommy put on your shirt! And now that you are crawling, you have become quite the little explorer

You've started to outgrow your 9 month clothes and are now 
mainly wearing 12 month sizes
but also a few 12-18 month and 18-24 month sizes in some brands. 

If I've learned anything so far in regards to clothes, its that you won't always be in one size and it may not always correlate with your age. Buy based on height. 

You are still in size 3 diapers. After switching to Pampers Baby Dry for overnight, we stopped having leaks. But now we seem to be fine with your regular Target Brand diapers for overnights again... 

You still nurse about every 3 hours and are now eating 3 meals a day and sometimes a snack too! 

You are a little pooping machine! You seriously poop at least 3 times a day I would say!! Sometimes after every feeding! All systems are a go over here! ha ha Now that you are having so many different solids, too, they are sure stinky ones! TMI... 

Your schedule finally has gotten more consistent. 

Your 8 Month Schedule: 

7-8am Wake up and nurse
8:30am Breakfast 
9:30am Nap (about an hour and a half) 
11am Nurse
11:30 lunch
12:30pm Nap (about another hour and a half) 
2pm Nurse
3pm Snack 
4pm Cat Nap (usually only 30-40 minutes) 
5pm Nurse and Dinner
7:30pm Nurse and Bedtime (sleeping between 7:30 and 8pm)

Just won't sit still for a picture! 

Eating your sticker backing... 

Spit bubbles

Baxter is funny! 

"Are we done yet, mom? I've got things to do and places to go!"

Reading stories
Looking out the window 
Watching Baxter 
Your play room and going from toy to toy to toy!
Fresh Banana
Snuggling for naps
Bath time and splashing! 
Swimming at the pool and water in general
Play dates with your friends 

Teething! For real this time...
When its time to stop playing
Sitting still 
Tylenol...even though it makes you happier when you're getting teeth
Poopy pants
Being tired (every little thing makes you cry when you get tired...or hungry)
Being hungry
Being told "no" and not getting what you want (cords, mommy's phone, etc)

Your first 2 teeth! 
Your First Friend's Birthday Party (Nora turned 1!)
Your first sleepover with your friend Judson at our house
Trying more of mommy and daddy's food 

::Pictures and Videos from the Past Month::
Snuggles with Baxter on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve Kisses 

You weren't a fan... 

Playing in your crawl around car!

Bed time snuggles with mommy in our new rocking chair!

Trying to get on your hands and knees from sitting

Talking and pounding the mirror

Nap time snuggles

Play time! 

Heading to the pool! I think this may be the last time I saw this hat...hopefully we didn't lose it at the gym... :( 

Excited to go swimming! 

You love to move around your crib! Sleeping sideways...

So tired but won't nap...resting on the chair in daddy's lap

We had some pretty chilly daddy went outside and blew bubbles and we watched them freeze through the window! Very cool! 

Mommy and Daddy got all dressed up and went to a Christmas Party! 

You went to play at your friends Judson and Jackson's house!

And then tried on Daddy's tie when we got home :) 

The following weekend Judson came to our house for a sleepover! You had lots of fun together! 

You also go to celebrate your friend Nora's First Birthday!! 

We think Matt Lauer should shave..."If I shave will you shave, Matt???" 

Our church, Hosanna! is opening a second campus. Before they put down the carpet we went and wrote scripture on the floor so everyone will always be "standing on the word of God." You helped daddy write his verse :) 

Our whole small group was there! So much fun! 

You got to hang out with Nora afterwards at Apple Bee' was a group date :) 

Grandma Jill knows how much you love playing Patty Cake so she sent you a super fun Patty Cake book for Valentine's day that you just love! 

With all the snow we have been getting, big trucks have been having to move it and you LOVE watching them! 

"Mom, I can't move!" 
All ready to go outside and play in the snow! 


Your first snowman! Not the best...mommy and daddy need to work on our snowman building skills.... And get better supplies! 

You think Baxter is so funny! 

You started trying to climb out of your baby tub! 


You fall asleep by twirling your hair :) So cute! Mommy used to do this while she would drink her milk when she was little!

Mommy had a mommy day with Auntie Amy and you and daddy had fun playing in the snow! Sledding time! 

You started clapping!! And the first time was because you were so excited for lunch :) Of course! 

Getting teeth is no fun! The only way to keep you happy while your teeth were coming in was to wear you in the moby :) 

The more you move, the more you explore...wipes are sure fun toys! 

Mommy started a "bad habit" and started laying with you for you to fall asleep for most of your naps and bedtime...It was probably more because mommy liked to cuddle you...We love snuggles! 

You squeal like a little teeny bopper seeing a boy band when you hear your Christmas Pup start to play! You sure love that thing! 

More exploring under the crib... 

Frozen blueberries in the mesh feeder feel so good on your toofers! But sure make a mess! Bath Time! 

Nora came over to play for a day while her mommy and daddy were away! So much fun! 

We even made a trip to Home Depot. Everyone always thinks you are twins when you are out together, but Nora is about 4 months older than you! 

Daddy took us on a surprise ice skating date! You loved watching and "posing" like you were ice skating. Can't wait to take you ice skating for real when you get bigger! 

Trying so hard to crawl...its easier when you are naked :) 

You were getting into so many things even before you were fulling crawling! With scooting backwards and rolling all around you could move across an entire room pretty fast! You love getting into the puzzles! 

And the day before you turned 8 months old, you started to crawl! Here you are crawling for the first time!! Go buddy!! 

And the fun begins... 

"Most Eligible Bachelor" even rides a motorcycle...I'll be legal in 18 years...any takers?? ;) 

You are growing and changing SO much every day baby boy and I couldn't love you more! It's so fun watching you grow and getting to be your mama! It won't be long and you won't be my "baby" any more :( Slow down!! 

Love you! 

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