Friday, September 18, 2015

Good Bye Summer

It's crazy that it's already the middle of September. Summer has come and gone. While I spent a lot of the summer sick inside, we did still squeeze in a lot of the fun things that make summer, summer. 

We had lots of fun with our small group friends -- ice cream party on the deck! 

We made it to the Stanley Rodeo in my hometown and Christian had lots of fun watching the cows and horses! And hanging out with his Grandpa and Uncle Justin and Aunt Megan too!

We cheered "yay fireworks!" at the 4th of July Fireworks and played with glow sticks and sparklers

Christian enjoyed lots of time with his Grandma Jill while I worked on painting our cupboards white with the help of my grandma...and took breaks to puke and rest....

When the heat and the humidity wasn't TOO much, we even got out 

One thing that we definitely got a lot of this summer was deck time while eating Popsicle after Popsicle! Christian sure loves him some "pockles!" 

Christian and Daddy also enjoyed lots of "daddy son" time while mommy was sick on the couch. The waterpark was their favorite date place!!

Christian spent some time adjusting to the idea of becoming a big brother...and loved listening to his baby's heart and reading stories to him or her. 

Swim lessons was another favorite activity this summer as Christian took his first lessons at an outdoor pool in our town. 

We also, as usual, did up lots of fair time! Christian LOVED getting to experience all of the rides this year. Among his favorites was the car rides. 

Monster trucks have also become associated with fairs as we saw a Monster truck show at the local county fair. 

We also did a lot of gardening...and by that I mean Christian picked a lot of peppers way early!

Finally, we knew that summer ended because we headed to the state fair and Christian got to meet his favorite character, Chase, from Paw Patrol! 

While the state fair marks the end of summer, so does the need to clean the grill. Our grill is getting old and we often don't do the best job of cleaning it over the summer, despite its constant use. 

This year, though, the project was made a lot easier with the use of our new grill brush from Cave Tools. What is usually a lengthy process of soaking the grill grates and lots of scrubbing literally took less than 5 minutes! 


It was pretty bad.... Like I said, we hadn't cleaned it in awhile...


With such an easy cleaning job, we will probably clean the grill more often! Loved the job this brush did on our grill. I'm not sure how many cleanings the brush would hold up for, though. The corners of the brush got real wore down from scrubbing the crevices and the handle could have had less give, but I was so happy with the end results for our grill! At only $12, you really can't complain. 

You can get your own Cave Tools Grill Brush on Amazon 


on the Cave Tools Website where you can also save 20% when you use code: XNTLKUOV

Now that the summer is officially over and we saved time cleaning the grill, we had more time to spend at the apple orchard! 


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