Monday, December 9, 2013

Christian James - 6 Months Old

6 Months!! 

You now weigh 19 pounds 6 ounces. (85th percentile)

 That's just over a 2 pound gain from last month

You are also now about an inch longer this month at about  27.3 inches long. (85th percentile)

You have started to outgrow your 3-6 month clothes now and are mainly wearing
  9 month sizes and 12 month sizes as well! Such a BIG boy! 

You are still in size 3 diapers, but wear size 4 diapers for bedtime

Now that you are eating solids, you only poop about once a day (I know, TMI...sorry!) and you 
eat about every 3-4 hours. This means you are also using less diapers per day, going through about only 8-10 diapers per day

Despite our returned sleep with the Magic Sleepsuit last month, what mommy thinks was a growth spurt coupled with a cold and Day Light Savings again disturbed your sleep. Combine all that with a trip to New York and no routine and your sleep has been very erratic the past few weeks! I'm hoping to get things back on track soon! 

Our attempts at moving your bedtime back later so that it would stay at 9pm after Day Light Savings Time was a worthless effort because you just were no longer able to make it awake that late. I think our Day Light Savings plan of moving your bedtime back would have worked if we hadn't been in denial about you needing an earlier bedtime. 

So now bedtime is at 7:30pm. We start your bedtime routine between 6:30pm and 7pm.  
You have your last feeding and usually some solids for dinner around 6pm and then we do a dream feed around 10/10:30pm. Then you will usually sleep until 4 or 5am, wake to eat and then go back to sleep until 7:30am {about 12 hours total}.

The rest of your day usually is on about a 3 hour schedule. You will be awake for about 1-1.5 hours and then nap for 1.5-2 hours. We still follow the Babywise method of eat, play, sleep. I'm not sure it's the answer to sleeping through the night, but it is the answer to a happy baby boy! 

For Thanksgiving we were in New York visiting Daddy's family and you cried almost every day {or at least fussed} which you RARELY do at home. I don't even think I can say I know your cries...I feed you before you get too hungry and change you before you get too upset about being dirty or wet and put you to sleep before you get too least that's what I aim for and it seems to keep you quite smiley! 

Generally you take a morning nap for about an hour and a half {around 9am} and then pretty consistently you take an afternoon nap from about 12:30pm - 2:30/3pm and then an
  early evening nap {usually from about 4pm-5pm or so}.

-Apples, Bananas, and Pumpkin
-Oatmeal and Rice Cereal
-Watching people sneeze
-Big cheek kisses
-Bath time
-Baby Story Time
-Sitting up
-Standing up
-Your jumperoo
-Hobbly Horse
-The Itsy Bitsy Spider
-"Patting" books
-Sleeping on mommy and daddy's chest
-Your Cousin Sarah 
-The ABC song
-Pulling hair, grabbing earrings, pinching cheeks
-Playing piano

-Being tired 
-Taking naps when there is so much going on
-Sitting still on the air plane
-Getting strapped in your car seat when you're tired
-Poopy diapers

-Started eating more solid foods 
{you made the craziest faces and really didn't like apples at first but now you LOVE them!}
{You also love bananas and pumpkin} 
-Rolled from back to belly! 
{mommy and daddy missed it the first time you did it!}
{Mommy went in the kitchen to clean up your dinner and came back to find you on your tummy} 
{Mommy asked daddy if he moved you...he didn't! You rolled!}
-First Halloween
-First Snowfall
-First Thanksgiving 
{Spent in New York}
-First Carousel Ride
{in New York}
-Trying to crawl/get up on your knees

:::Pictures and Videos from the Past Month:::

Trying so hard to get up on your knees!

First time riding in the shopping cart! You are still a little too squirmy, though...

First taste of apples! 

Playing with your friend, Coop! 

And playing with your girlfriend, Nora :) 

Cheering for the Timberwolves!

First time sitting in the high chair at a restaurant

Your First Thanksgiving

You rolled over!!! Back to belly and mommy wasn't even in the room! :( 

It's showed me how you did it :) 

Wow. 6 months already. You are growing and changing so fast but with each month I find a new favorite stage! Love you baby boy!! 


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