Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Christian James - 5 Months Old


5 Months! 

How can this be??? Seriously. 5 months makes you such a big boy and almost all growed up! 
How can I already be a mommy to a 5 month old!??! 

Wow. Time surely does fly! I think I say that in every monthly update post. But it's SO true. 

And this past month seems to have been a HUGE month for you little man! Growing and changing ALL.THE.TIME. 

You now weigh 17 pounds 3 ounces. Little man Chunky Monkey Boy, you are finally slowing down in the weight gain department!

That's only about a 13 ounce gain from last month.

You are also about an inch longer this month coming in at about 26.5 inches long.

You are fully in 3-6 Month size clothes, but are also even wearing some of your 
9 month outfits too! The sleeves are a little long on some, but not by much!

You are now wearing only size 3 diapers. Size 2 are all used up and I think we will be in size 3 for quite awhile now as they have a pretty wide weight range.

Your diaper total is now up to about 1635 diapers since you were born!

Sleep has returned thanks to Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit! Since starting the sleepsuit you have been sleeping about 13-14 hours every night!! You sleep 10 hours straight and then wake up to eat before going back to sleep for another 3-5 hours.
(click here to read a full review of the Magic Sleepsuit)

With Daylight Savings Time ending this weekend, we have been slowly trying to adjust your bedtime so that we can keep your 9pm bedtime....but I'm afraid that you might be wanting an earlier bedtime already. I knew the day would come, but we were hoping for that to be more when you started Preschool :)

So for now, you still have a 9pm bedtime that has been moved almost to 10pm so that after the time "falls back" you will still go to bed at 9pm. After Daylight Savings ends, we are going to have to see if the 9pm bedtime is going to be able to stick, or if we are going to have to move it earlier.

Like I've said before, "schedule, schmedule!" Just when I think we have your schedule figured out,
you change it up! For the past week or so you have started waking up for the day at different times every day. Some days you sleep until 11am, sometimes you are up at 8am and other days you will be up around 9:30am. Its a surprise every day!

You are pretty consistent with your awake times, though. About 1 1/2 hours awake time is your max then its time for a nap. In the evening you can stay awake a little longer. So while your schedule seems to not really be set in stone, you for sure have a routine!

Your naps have also gotten longer now that you are staying awake longer. I think you are like your mama and need more sleep than the average baby. I think the recommendation is 15 hours of sleep per day for the average 4-6 month old.
You, baby boy, sleep closer to 18 hours per day!

 After your 13-14 hour night, you then usually take a 2 - 2 hour naps before hitting the hay for bed again.

For about a week you had went to sleeping in your swing in an attempt to get any amount of sleep to return! But now that we are using the Magic Sleepsuit you are
  fully sleeping in your crib for both night time sleep and naps. Although, you do sometimes end up taking an evening nap in your swing.

With the Magic Sleepsuit you also are back to falling asleep happy and on your own and waking up happy. Sometimes I have to check on you several times to make sure that you haven't woken up and aren't just chilling in your crib!

-Playing and jumping in your jumperoo
-Swinging at the park
-Splashing in the big boy bath
-Petting Baxter
-Eating cereal
-Sucking on your toes
-Skyping with Daddy on his lunch break at work
-Going to Timberwolves games
-Stroller walks in your big boy stroller
-Laughing at people sneezing
-Tooting...A LOT
-Sucking your lower lip and your thumb (you've finally found just your thumb!)
-Getting a bottle from Daddy every other night

-Stinky, loud toots (more that mommy doesn't like them :) )
-Exploding poopy diapers
(The doctor says you are too young for "stranger danger" but several times when someone new is holding you you will stare at them very intently and then burst into tears)
-Not getting enough cereal
(When your cereal is gone you cry...so we have started giving you a bit more since you are such a hungry boy!)

-Rolling over tummy to belly (you did it a few times but haven't done it much since)
-Sitting up unassisted (still a little wobbly)
-First Baby Story Time at the Library
-First Timberwolves Game
-First trip to the Pumpkin Patch
-First Trip to the Corn Maze
-Carved your First Pumpkin
-Checked out books at the Library for the first time
-First Halloween Party at Amma Parenting Center
-Started using your Jumperoo and you love it!
-First big boy bath in the regular bath tub

::Pictures from the Past Month::

You love your cereal!

Lunch dates with Auntie Amy!

Snuggles with Baxter

Always so smiley :)

First walk in your "big boy stroller"



First Story Time

Playdate walk with Nora

You got to draw the raffle winner at the Lakeville Homecoming Game!

The Magic Sleepsuit

Sitting Up

Playing your zoo toy all by yourself

You LOVE to suck those toes!

So tired! Bottle with daddy night
Mommy getting to give you a bottle because it was too cold to nurse you at the football game! 

Your first Timberwolves Game!

Sever's Corn Maze//The Corn Pit! 

Dance party with Jaden

Amma Halloween Party

Musical Story Time at the Amma Halloween Party

Petting Baxter

Baxter saying good morning to Christian

Sundays are for snuggling :)

He literally was smiling and awake for the above picture and then 2 seconds later was sleeping again!

First time playing at the park!


First big boy bath

Sucking your lip 

Little boy, the past month {past 5 months for that matter} have been more than we could ever have imagined! We love getting to spend every day with you and mommy loves getting your every smile and snuggle all day long :) We're so lucky to get to spend all day together every day. You have grown and changed so much in the past month and it makes me sad that you are growing up so fast but its so exciting seeing you grow and learn about the world around you! Can't wait to experience all that is yet to come! 


Glossy Blonde


  1. Cuteness overload!!!!!! Love the hair and his costume! So cute!


    1. :) Awe, thanks! More like a PHOTO overload!!! haha!! I can never decide which ones I like best...plus, the posts are more for a memory for christian when he is older, so I guess keeping them all is best for that! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Karly! I think so too...but I'm biased! :) I can never decide which pictures to include because I just LOVE them all!!! ha ha


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