Monday, May 16, 2016

Braxton Allen {3 Months Old}

Little boy! I can't believe you are already 3 months old!!! Where has the time gone!? 

You are seriously growing way too fast 
{much faster than I remember your brother growing yet you are the same size} 

You are weighing in at 14.6 pounds on the scale at home and are about 25 inches long
That's pretty much exactly the same as your brother at 3 months old!

You are wearing size 2 diapers for both day time and night time now.

I've almost packed up all of your 0-3 month clothes and you are wearing mostly 3-6 month sizes now. Some pants still fit better in 0-3 month. You aren't the tallest little guy ;) It makes me so sad to pack up your clothes not knowing if another little boy will ever wear them again!

I still think you are a tad more "serious" than Christian and just like to take everything in, but you are still a pretty smiley guy

You've become even more chatty in the last few weeks too! 

Sleep has been a little all over the place. Most nights you are up once, sometimes twice. Generally you sleep a good 6-7 hour stretch and then are up every 2-3 hours after that. Bedtime is usually between 8:30/9:30pm and we are hoping to get more consistent with that and start a bedtime routine in the next month. 

Generally you start the day around 6 or 7am...depending when brother wakes up...he isn't the quietest...

After that you usually are awake for an hour, then nap for an hour and 
eat every 2 hours. I think you had a growth spurt this past month, though, because you had a few days where you napped for almost 4 hours and then a few other days where you were eating every 1.5 hours! 

We also tried using the magic sleepsuit so we could transition out of swaddling, but that wasn't going so well at first and we stopped. In the last few days, we tried again and you are doing great! Last night you even slept 10 hours straight!

With the help of the magic sleepsuit you are also putting yourself to sleep for naps in your pack n play or crib. Sometimes {usually for your afternoon nap} you will take a nap in your swing, but for the past month you have mainly napped in your swing.

Mommy is sad that you are getting older and needing to start sleeping in your crib/pack n play because most nights I like to hold you until we go to bed for the night....Hopefully we can keep doing that for awhile longer!

-Chewing on your hands
-Talking to mommy and daddy 
-Watching brother
-Playing on the floor where you can kick and roll!
-Playing on your play mat
-Drooling! You are a drool machine some days!

-Being overtired and not being able to fall asleep
-Pooping! It's hard work sometimes!
-Kisses from Baxter
-Being in the carrier face in, but you're pretty happy when you can face out! You're starting to get strong enough to do that now
-Loves when we sing Old MacDonald Had a Farm

-Rolling belly to back!
-Rolling from back to side
-Slept 10 hours straight!
-Really starting to hit at toys and "play" but not quite grasping them intentionally yet
-Sitting pretty well in the bumbo and propped up
-Celebrated your first Mother's Day with mommy! And Grammy Jill - we surprised her!
-Starting to play in the jumperoo and exersaucer

::Pictures from the Past Month::

Hanging out napping in the swing outside while mommy and Christian play

Getting so strong!

Sweet sleepy boy at Moms Group.

You love being outside!

With mommy and Christian on Mother's Day!

Photo courtesy of Christian

First time in your exersaucer!

You rolled belly to back!

Trying out your jumperoo! You love watching the toys and trying to hit at them...your arms aren't quite long enough.

Now that you can roll, you refuse to stay on your tummy for long!

Not a major fan of the sleep suit at first!

And this is why you still sleep in mommy and daddy's room...Christian loves to climb in with you and will always say you want him to snuggle with you :) 

More "forced" snuggles with brother! He loves you so much!

Getting so strong even without the boppy!

You love your snail toy

Wow. 3 months has come and gone so fast. We love watching you grown and learn new things, but its so sad how fast the days are slipping away already! Before we know it, you will be as big as Christian! Can't wait for you to be able to play together, though! We love you so much little man and can't get enough of your smiles!


  1. He is just the CUTEST! Don't you wish they could stay this little forever??

  2. Replies
    1. I feel like it goes even faster the second time! Please tell me its not EVEN faster the 3rd time!??!


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