Friday, September 12, 2014

Blogging? What's that??

Hi there!

Chandelle here. 

Soooo it appears I took a bit of an unplanned blogging hiatus! I haven't blogged since June!!! 

So if you're reading this right now, thanks for sticking with me! Know I appreciate you :) 

And guess what??? The only reason I have time to blog right now is because I'm doing it on my phone while this sweet sick boy sleeps on my chest. 

Cold season has officially started here in Minnesota at the Foote household. Joy. 

I'm super excited for fall! And can't wait to enjoy the new season and change of weather with my little man! 

We definitely enjoyed our summer! 

Well that's just a snippet of what we've been up to the past few months. I love doing life with this little guy! 

Even when he's sick. 

What have you been up to?? How was your summer??

Unfortunately this probably isn't the return of regular blogging...maybe again some day when my little man needs me less. In the mean time, my hubby is working hard on some changes here on the blog...Mommy's first year ended 3 months ago! The blog is getting a little update and a new name...Midwest Mama! 

I hope you'll stick with me :) 


  1. I'm trying to finally get back into blogging as well. I re-branded and everything as well, except I lost the file to my old backups. Think the hubby thought it wasn't anything I wanted to keep and deleted it off the old computer without saving it to an external HD. UGH!

    1. It sure is hard to find time to blog with busy little ones who don't nap as much any more, isn't it!?! Glad you found me :) Where are you blogging at now? I've missed your posts! I mainly read blogs these days...and blog when I can squeeze it in! I do miss it, though!


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