Thursday, October 23, 2014


Someday I will finish painting all the trim in our house. 

Someday my failed pinterest house projects {aka my spray paint door knobs and DIY french doors} will be replaced {with pretty store bought door knobs and working bi-fold doors}.

Someday my fridge won't be covered in little sticky handprints and my floor won't be covered in crumbs. {And on that day I will miss those handprints and sticky counters and crumbs all over my floors}

Someday I will sleep 10 hours straight...Or even consistently just 8 hours straight. 

Someday I'll have a complete organization system for my whole house. Everything with a place and everything in it's place. 

Someday I'll shower Man will I smell good and look nice! 

Someday I will blog regularly and share great wisdom that will encourage and inspire! 

Someday I will be bored because my toddler will be grown and out of the house and I will miss him terribly...even though everything in my house will be "normal", clean, painted and organized.

Today I am enjoying THIS season.

The season that comes with sticky handprints, short attention spans, a messy and unorganized house, an unfinished to-do list, lots of coffee {the silver lining!}, wearing yoga pants everyday, hanging out with other mom friends, listening to my little boy giggle so hard when we sing and dance, and snuggling him too!

This season is good too.

After all, what value is there in a clean, picture perfect house straight off of pinterest?

Okay, monetarily there is probably A LOT of value...but in the grand scheme of things?

Playing with and loving on my boy, teaching him, now there I can see the value, even if its easy to forget sometimes.

"There's a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."
~Ecclesiastes 3:1

What season are you in right now?
How do you enjoy the "right now" and not get caught up in the "someday"?


  1. I love this! I always think of the "some days" too.. Especially since we have a new to us home that needs some work. It's like what we talked about the other day, sometimes you focus more on the materialistic stuff in life.. We have to remember to slow down and enjoy these little moments even if we're sleep deprived :) you're doing great momma! Sticky hand prints and all, they say a messy home is a happy home.
    Blog when you want to blog, I think we as bloggers feel like we HAVE to blog every day or even every week.. There's no rule book to blogging, just opinions!

    Glad to see you posting again! Love the new name!

    1. Thanks girl! :) And thanks for reading! I think its easy to think there are "rules" about everything in life...when really, its just about doing what works. And what works for me, might not work for you and vice versa!


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