Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Braxton Allen - {2 Months Old}

I can't believe you are already 2 months old! 

It makes me so sad to think that you are growing up so fast! Where did my squishy little newborn go!?!

You are already weighing in at 12 pounds 7 ounces (49.61%) 
and are 23.75 inches long. 

You've gained just under 4 pounds since your 2 week check up!

You have completely outgrown all of your newborn clothes (around 6 weeks) and are fully wearing 0-3 month clothes. 

Mommy must be better at judging diaper sizes this time around, because we haven't had nearly as many leaks with you as we did with big brother! You've been in size 1 since about 5/6 weeks. You wear size 2 for bedtime. We have one more case of size 1 left and then we will be moving on to size 2 already!

Despite the lack of big smiles for your pictures, you are a fairly smiley guy! Although, you do make us work for them more than Christian ever did and I would even say you are a bit of a serious little mister!

You usually are out cold for the night between 8 and 9 pm and then wake up to eat around 4am. Wow. I guess you are usually sleeping about 7-8 hours at night...but it doesn't seem like it since I don't go to bed when you do. It also doesn't help that your big brother is often up more times a night than you are! Mommy is tired! 

We have yet to really start a bedtime routine with you...at least one where you end up in your bed right away (the bassinet on the pack n play). We either rock you to sleep in the living room and then snuggle with you until we go to bed, or we put you in the swing...and then sneak you out for sleepy snuggles!

During the day you are usually awake for about an hour and then you nap again. You're usually up for the day between 7 and 8 am and are still eating every 2-3 hours. When you take a bottle its usually between 3-4 oz.

You are still napping in your swing. If I swaddle you first, you take the best naps that way! Our magic sleepsuit should be here next week, though, so we may start trying some crib or pack n play naps!

-Skin to skin time with Daddy 
-Naps in the swing
-Playing on your play mat and "talking" to the kitty!
-Watching brother play 
-Kicking your legs/feet
-Being swaddled...although it makes you grunt like crazy!
-Being on your changing table -- we get the most smiles here!
-Floor time (you are liking being held less...unless of course you are facing out and can see the world!)
-Being outside

-Tummy time for too long
-Poopy diapers
-Being tired
-Being hungry
-Not being able to move
-Baby wearing!? Unless you are ready to sleep. Hopefully we can forward face in the carrier soon!

-Continuing to be chatty when you feel like it
-Found your hands! Christian used to stare at them like crazy. I've caught you doing that maybe once or twice. You just like to eat them! 
-Went to your first wedding -- Uncle Justin and Aunt Megan's wedding (day after you turned 2 months old)
-Slept 8.5 hours straight!
-Trying to pull yourself forward
-Great Grandma Charlotte passed away
-Lots of road trips to Cornell! Luckily, you've gotten to be a much better traveler!
-Your first Easter
-You were baptized
-Met Grandpa Foote for the first time
-Met Great Grandma Breiby ("The Other Grandma" as Christian calls her)
-Mommy started cooking dinner again!
-You took your first bottle like a champ!

Pictures from the past month:

Cooking dinner for the first time since you were born! All of mommy's helpers. Thank goodness for baby wearing!

Loving play time on the floor.

Visits from Grammy!

Some of your first smiles! They were hard to get pictures of! 

Meeting Great Grandma Breiby for the first time.

Your first bottle.

Love your smiles!

Sleeping in Grandpa Foote's arms after you were baptized.

Baptism day -- April 9, 2016

All tuckered out from getting baptized...

The cutest little brother around!

You are such a joy, little man! Can't wait for all that the next months bring! We can't imagine our lives without you and love you so much! Christian is even pretty protective of you -- saying "Don't touch my baby brother" or "That's MY baby brother" when people meet you and rub your feet or want to hold you. He also gets jealous when other people are holding you and will all of a sudden want to hold you instead! You're a lucky boy to have him as your big brother!

We love you! 

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