Friday, September 13, 2013

High Five for Friday!


I decided that in honor of Friday the 13th, I would link up with Lindsay over at Pursuit of Pink for this 'High Five for Friday' post and share what's been going on at the Foote house this week! 

If you haven't already, stop by Lindsay's blog {here} and check out Baby K! She is about 2 months younger than Christian and oh so cute! 

1. Christian has been trying SO hard to roll over! 
Both from back to tummy and tummy to back!
He has actually rolled over a few times from tummy to back by they were kinda random and I think had to do with how we laid him down because both times it was right after we set him on his tummy on the floor. I think he is going to be a rollin' like crazy soon, though! 

2. We have been having a lot of sleepless nights. 
When Christian was first born everyone would always ask "Are you getting any sleep??" and we could always strongly answer, "Yes!! Tons!" Well, after sleeping through the night since he was about 2 weeks old, he has become a 'normal' baby :( And I'm experiencing what it's like to be a sleepy mom...The night before last he was up about every 1-2 hours and last night he didn't go for more than 4 hour stretches. Not sure if this is because we have started swaddling him with arms out or what!? We swaddled him arms in again one night and it didn't return him to sleeping through the night... :/ Maybe its just practice for changing routine and time when we go to New York next week! ha! 

3. We got to go visit daddy at work for lunch! 
Christian loved getting to lay in the grass. We need to spend more time doing that before it gets too cold out! 

4. Christian has had a diaper rash we just can't get rid of :( 
I used to think babies only got diaper rashes when their parents let them sit in dirty diapers for long periods of time. Well, let me tell you! We change Christian nearly every HOUR! He goes through about 12 diapers a day and is changed pretty much the second he finishes pooping. So I'm not sure what to think. We had been using Pampers and just recently started using some Luvs diapers that we had gotten as a gift so I'm switching back to Pampers today to see if that helps at all. We also got a cream from the doctor in case its yeast that's the problem. Otherwise we have tried every diaper rash cream out there! Although, I think they all have the same ingredients just with different names. Christian also has been getting lots of "naked time" to air out his butt! He loves it! 

5. Cuddle Time and Smiles from this cute boy! 
Seeing Christian smile and getting to cuddle him is always the highlight of my day! I love this little boy so much! I've been trying to learn balance and that its okay if the house isn't perfectly clean and decorated everyday. Christian won't remember that. He'll only remember the time we snuggled and I loved on him and that's what really matters. 

*BONUS! Since its Friday the 13th, I have one more highlight! 
Last night our Couples Small Group split into "Guys" and "Girls" and it was SO.MUCH.FUN getting to connect with these ladies! I feel so blessed to have them in our lives and to call them friends! AND we are all starting families so its so exciting to see our little ones all together! 

Nora - Almost 8 months * Christian - 3 months * Judson - 1 week (taken last week)

Have a great weekend! 

Next week is probably going to be a little busy for us...getting ready to head to New York! Not sure I'll be posting much, but be sure to follow me on twitter @mamafoote529 for lots of updates! :)

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