Sunday, March 29, 2015

Christian James -- 22 Months

Little man, I can't believe you are almost 2 years old!! You are becoming my big boy, and aren't my baby any more (but you will always be my baby! and don't you forget that).

Your favorite things lately include: 
Trains/Choo Choos (Thomas) 
Stuffies (particularly Mater or Teddy) 
"Awn ower" Aka lawn mower
All things music and musical instruments 
Cars and trucks 
And you still love your blankie and binky

You seem to love imitating more and more each day -- you love to do anything that mommy or daddy are doing -- the dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, fixing things, planting flowers, the list goes on and on. 

You are also starting to enjoy snuggling with your stuffies. This teddy bear from your Uncle Justin and Aunt Megan has been a favorite lately, along with your pillow pet, Mater. 

A year ago we couldn't get you to keep sunglasses on, but now you love them! I think you see their benefit :) And that they make you look adorable! You have quite the growing collection of sunglasses too... 

Playing at the park has also become one of your favorite things to do! You can do the slides all by yourself now and have even braved the big boy swings (and prefer them)! We are both looking forward to lots of play time at all of the local parks this summer. 

Also, notice your binky addiction... 

Not only do you love playing at the park, but you love walking there all by yourself...well with mommy chasing you of course. You think you are too big for the stroller. 

"Backer" (Baxter) has become one of your best friends. You love playing with him and will chase him around and wrestle with him giggling like crazy the whole time...until you need a break that is. Then you come running to mommy to save you! 

You are such an active boy and always so busy, but you still remember to give your mama some snuggles from time to time. But mommy and daddy have to be sure not to ask for too many hugs and kisses or you get cranky! 

You've also developed a new love for opening your mouth wide during pictures...and while you are eating. Your friend Nora taught you that fun trick :) 

While you love all of your toy instruments, you love it even more when mommy gets out the real keyboard or guitar for you to play. You have even started giving lessons to your baby. 

Play dates have become a very regular part of our day. You love getting to spend time with your friends! And mommy likes it too :) The other day when we were playing at McDonald's you actually kept calling for your friends Jack and Juddy. And often when we are playing you will ask about Cooper. 

I'm pretty sure you've only seen mommy iron once, but it seems to have stuck with you! You love to "cook" and will often get out the hand mixer and "mix" in the pots and pans, but on this day you took the mixer part off and started "ironing". Daddy was thankful because Mommy gets pretty behind in ironing his shirts! 

Recently you also had a few days of fighting your naps. 

I weighed and measured you at home last week and here are your stats: 
32 pounds 
32.5 inches

You are still wearing some 2t but are also wearing a lot of 3t! 

I think we are going to attempt some real potty training in the next few weeks as you have been asking to sit on the potty a lot...and you often go! You are currently cutting your lower canines and I can still feel your molars poking through in the back too, so depending on how that goes will determine when we try to focus on potty training. 

Your schedule usually looks something like this: 
6:30/7:30am - Wake up, watch a show while mommy makes breakfast
8am - Get dressed, clean up the house, do the dishes and make beds with mommy or just play
9:30am - We are usually heading out the door to our morning activity (play date, library time, park, etc) or we start an activity at home
11/11:30am - lunch 
12pm - Nap (usually about 2.5 hours, but sometimes less, sometimes more)
2:30pm - Snack, learning activity, free play 
4pm - Mommy makes dinner 
5pm - Dinner 
5:30/6pm - Bath, brush teeth, go potty, read stories
7pm - Bed 

You love watching "choo choos" (Thomas or Dinosaur Train) and have recently started loving the movie Planes and will ask for "awpane" or "Cars". 

I've stopped keeping track of your words, as you will repeat anything we ask you. Sometimes you have a hard time getting the right word out when you are asking for something and then you get pretty frustrated, but with a few guesses, we can usually figure out what you want. 

You have started to try out a few phrases lately too: 
-"You make this?" (when I give you a snack or meal)
-"I gonna get you!" and then you chase me, or Baxter or Daddy! 
- "Hungee!!!" (AKA Hungry) This isn't really a phrase but its so cute when you run to the fridge and try to open the door as you are crying "hungee, hungee, hungee" I hear this about 20 times a day from you :) 

When we are driving in the car or even just out anywhere you are constantly telling me what you see -- car! Truck! Train! And you know when we are coming up near the train tracks because you start calling out train before we are even there! 

The other day when Daddy went to church, you asked where he was and I told he was gone and you came with his work badge all confused. When I told you he was at church, not at work, you got his church name tag and still looked confused. You are one smart cookie! 

You repeat the Numbers Blessing with daddy as he says it over us every morning before he goes to work. You also know all of our family values and their actions. (Honor God, Obey, Sacrifice, Love Others, Work Hard and Play Hard too!) 

Little man, you are going to be in school before I know it! Slow down time. I love that I get to be with you to see you grown and learn and change every day! Here's to 2 more months until your 2nd birthday, big boy! 


  1. Love that picture of him giving the dolly "music lessons!" Hahaha. It is so cool that you have these posts to remember his milestones, habits, and fun memories. They are the perfect modern baby book :) -Marielle |

    1. He was teaching dolly how to play the "tar" (aka guitar) too! :) ha ha Thanks! I always feel like I've forgotten so much just from the past month when I do up the post! Even after posting it I'll think of a bunch of other things I forgot...but I can do a quick edit and add a line or two, too :) He will probably never even read them and I'll have wasted my time, or I'll read through them when he is grown and bawl...or my goodness...that thought just made me tear up :( ha ha


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