Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Braxton Allen - {1 Month Old}

I can't believe you are already 1 month old!!! 

It really doesn't seem fair that the past month has went so fast. But it honestly has been a great month and has went so much better than we could have every asked or imagined! 

When Christian was itty bitty, we went every week to a New Mama Class at Amma Parenting Center where I was able to weigh him every week! I had exact weight measurements for him every week and month! We haven't exactly made that trip yet, and our scale at home hasn't seemed too accurate....

You do seem to be filling out, though! 

You are now 21 inches long and your head is measuring 16 inches around -- that's 2 inches bigger than at birth! 

Look at how you've changed over the past 4 weeks!

It doesn't really look like it in the pictures, but mommy thinks your hair is getting a little lighter and your eyes are too

You have started to outgrown some of your newborn clothes, but a lot of them still fit, although they are getting tight! You are also starting to fill out your 0-3 month clothes! 

You are also still wearing newborn diapers. Size one is getting closer and closer to fitting well. You do wear size 1 at night, though. I expect you to be fully in size 1 within the next week or so. Mainly because we will be out of newborn diapers and the size 1 won't be too too big. 

You are quite the little nap fighter. You will be obviously tired but will just fight it! You aren't always crabby about it, though. I was just reading about Christian at 1 month, though, and it looks like he started napping in his crib at 1 month! Maybe that would help you! Christian is probably a bit too distracting and noisy! 

Your sleep hasn't been super consistent. You have slept a few 7 and 8 hour nights in the past month, but generally you are up 1-2 times a night still. Your last feeding is usually about 9:30pm and then I lay you in bed asleep and you will wake up to eat again anywhere between 3am and 6am. Mommy loves when you make it to 5/6am! Then she can get up and start the day before your big brother! 

You have been napping in a variety of places -- usually the bouncy seat or swing, sometimes in the baby carrier if you're really fighting it, and sometimes in your car seat when we are out with Christian. 

For night time sleep you are still in mommy and daddy's room. Once you start consistently sleeping through the night, you will move to your crib and share a room with Christian. 

-Booby time...sometimes I think you are just using mommy as a pacifier...
-Mommy's milk 
-The baby carrier ... FINALLY! 
-Being held
-Skin to skin time with daddy 
-Playing with big brother and watching him 
-Looking outside
-Bath time 

-Pooping...although you don't seem constipated or anything 
-Having a poopy diaper 
-Being hungry 
-Being forced to don't want to miss anything!

-You have slept through the night a few times 
-Starting to smile/smirk 
-Making eye contact 
-Starting to track objects 
-Cooing ... oohs and aahs and little squeaks! 
-Holding your head off mommy's shoulder and pushing yourself up....although you aren't a fan of tummy time 

I think it's been unseasonably warm....we've gotten lots of outside time in! Don't you look cute all bundled up! 

Snuggles! One of your favorite places to sleep

Our first walk to the park! You fussed at first but then you fell asleep and enjoyed the ride

More naps in mommy's arms

You had your first trip to the zoo! Both with and without daddy! 

Mommy naps again...this is our favorite thing to do while big brother is napping. 

If you can't nap in mommy's arms, then you usually nap in your bouncy seat all swaddled up. You're working on some pretty nice cheekers! 

All dressed up and stylin' for church.

Sleepy time!

Play time with big bro! He loves playing with you on your play mat!

Little a ladies only Bachelor finale party! 

One of the first pics of mommy and her boys! 

While we were taking your 1 month photos, Christian wanted his picture taken too! 

He's "2 months" from turning 3 years old! 

He was pretending to be a baby.

And there's one of your little smirks/smiles sneaking out! The first time I was able to catch it on camera! 

Hanging out with big bro in your crib!

You took your first nap in your crib today! It was very short...but I think that was more because of Christian being so loud and crazy....naps could get interesting for you little man. I apologize in advance. 

Wow! We survived the first month with 2 kiddos! You are SO loved little man! I can't believe how lucky you are to have such an awesome big brother. He has been great with you and is always so gentle! Although, I'm sure he can't wait for the day he can roll around and wrestle with you! In the mean time, mommy wants to savor these baby days, so don't grow too fast! We love you little man, more than words can say! We can't believe we are so lucky to get to have you in our family! Can't wait to see what the next month brings! 

1 comment :

  1. What a cute baby, glad to read this post, good luck to you :)



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