Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Braxton Allen {2 Weeks Old}

Man! Time flies! I can't believe you are already 2 weeks old! I feel like time is going even faster with baby #2! And I'm more emotional about it not knowing if we will have a baby #3. Trying to soak up every minute of your tiny squishy self! 

As frustrating of a nurser as you can be (on again off again latcher), you are gaining weight like a champ! And following right in Big Brother's footsteps -- you weighed in at exactly the same weight at 2 weeks old!!! 

8 pounds, 11 ounces 

That's a 12 ounce gain in the past week or so! Whoa baby boy! 

You are starting to have more alert times -- especially in the mornings and early evenings.

You also are sleeping just as well as your Big Brother at this age -- you even gave mommy an 
8 hour stretch this week!!! 

On average you sleep between 4 - 6 hours straight, with a few 7 and 8 hour stretches. About 1 feeding a night. 

During the day you eat often, though! Usually you are crying hungry about every 2 hours. 

You also were circumcised this week. Daddy thinks it was more traumatic for mommy than it was for you, but I'm not so sure.

Thankfully you are starting to like your swing! You weren't the biggest fan at first. Swaddling you first does seem to help, though! 

With more alert times, you are starting to get some play time in with Big Brother! He is a major fan :) 

However, I don't think you have had as much play time on your play mat at this point as big brother had! Leaving you unattended on the floor just isn't as safe when you are baby #2! 

You also are learning to like being worn in the baby carrier, but its still hit or miss. You often like to be held, but also get angry in the carrier because it makes you just want to nurse even if you just ate.

We had our first outing this week without daddy! He did help us get out the door, but we went to Moms Group at church all by ourselves. I was most nervous about dropping Big Brother off in child care as he has been crying and not wanting to be left since you were born. We helped him make a friend, though, and we were able to leave without any tears! From anyone ;) 

You started spitting up quite a bit this week. Usually just once a day or so, but it often would be a TON! Luckily we realized it was mainly because mommy hadn't been burping you -- oops! Christian never would burp so I gave up with him and then just never did with you. You have some good burps, though, and it keeps you from spitting up! 

Big brother has been wanting to "feed you" too! 

He loves you so much! He asks to hold you a lot and will often inspect you saying things like "He has hands like me! He has ears like me!" 

We had a beautiful day over the weekend -- it was in the 50s!! Very unusual for February. But we got out of the house and you took your first trip to the park

Big Brother reading to you. He can't wait until you can play garbage trucks with him...and I can't wait to watch you interact more! 

Sneaking in some snuggles between feedings and playing with Big Brother. 

Slow down time. 

We love you so much little man and can't believe we are so lucky to have you be part of our family! 

Just for fun -- You can read all about Christian at 2 weeks old here

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