Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Braxton Allen {3 Weeks Old!}

Braxton -- It seems so much like you've always been a part of our family, yet at the same time, I can't believe you are already 3 weeks old!!! 

I'm starting to see some differences from when you were just 1 week old. 

You won't go back to the doctor again until you are 2 months old.  Mama was able to weigh Christian every week when he was itty bitty and going to the New Mama Class at Amma Parenting Center....But we will have to settle for a general guess on our scale at home...

You are probably right around 9 pounds....I weighed you on our scale and it said just over 10 pounds...but that can't be right.

Believe it or not, you have become EVEN MORE alert! You are actually quite the little nap fighter if we're being honest. You have stayed awake for a good 3 hours plus a few times! However, you are starting to like the swing more if I swaddle you first and then, it still takes a bit, but you will zonk out. Once you are out, you are out cold! 

As strange as it may sound, you NEED to take good naps during the day if you are going to sleep well at night. When you stay awake so long you are too tired to eat well. But if you get good naps, you have given mama a few 8 hour stretches at night! I think its safe to say that you "slept through the night" when your first wake up is around 5:30am...

Most often you wake every 4 hours or so to eat, though. 

During the day you still eat about every 2.5 hours

You have started to outgrow some of your newborn things already and that makes mama so sad! 

With that said, some of your 0-3 month clothes are actually starting to fit too! 

You are still wearing newborn diapers. We are almost out of this size, so I was hoping to move to size 1, but they are quite huge on you still! However, they are good for night time diapers, as we've had a few leaks overnight with the newborn size. 

Mama has been trying to soak up all the snuggles with you that she can get, so you haven't gotten as much floor time in as Christian had at your age. But after reading about Christian at 3 weeks old, I was reminded how much he loved to kick and move and boy do you too! 

We survived our first week at home without daddy too! 

You also started cooing this week and finding your little voice! It's so cute to hear you squeak! 

I haven't been able to catch it on camera, but you've snuck out a few little smirks too! Can't wait to see your sweet little smile but I know we have a bit before that happens! 

Pictures from the Past Week

Mommy has to sneak in her snuggle time when Big Brother is napping! 

Post nap snuggles with Big Bro who was still waking up

Christian loves "playing" with you! He was showing you all of his cars

Aunt Megan and Uncle Justin came to visit you over the weekend

I still can't believe Christian has a "little brother" 

Brother bath time! Christian loves getting to help wash you up and is very gentle. 

More play time together. 

We also tried tummy time for the first time this week -- you weren't the biggest fan nor did you really even try to lift your head...Although, on my shoulder you can lift your head and hold it pretty steady! 

I can't believe how fast time is going! You're already growing up too fast -- stop it! :) haha! 

Love you little man! 

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