Sunday, June 19, 2016

Braxton Allen {4 Months Old}

Little man! How are you already 4 months old!?!

You now weigh 15 pounds 15 ounces (62%) and are 24.5 inches long(10-25%).

Your head circumference is 17.52 inches (90-95%).

You are mainly in 3-6 month/6 month clothes but are still wearing 3 month jammies and a few 3 month shorts.

You just recently started on size 3 diapers. You were just doing size 3 for overnight, but then you started having a lot of blow outs with size 2 so we went up to the last few days, though, you've still been having a lot of blow outs!

You LOVE to chew on your hands and I've even noticed you find your thumb a few times and you will suck away on it! Mommy hopes you aren't a thumb sucker!

Bedtime is usually between 7:30/8:30pm. Sometimes you will wake up for a quick feeding around 10/10:30pm and then are back out until 4/5am. Otherwise you are up around 1/2am and then 4/5am. You've been getting back to more consistently waking only once a night. Yay!! So thankful for the magic sleepsuit which has so far saved us from the every hour wakings and a smooth transition out of the swaddle!

You pretty consistently wake up to start the day around 7:30am, but a few times you have slept until 9am! 

You are still sleeping in your pack n play in mommy and daddy's room at night, but you nap in your crib in your shared room with Big Brother.

I think you are getting closer to a schedule, but I said the same thing about Christian at this age, and it never proved true!

You do have a routine, though. 

Awake around 7:30am -- nurse
1.5-2 hours later you will nap for 45 minutes - 2 hours
Awake for 1.5-2 hours
Nap for 45 minutes -2 hours
Awake for 1.5-2 hours
Nap for 30 minutes 
Maybe take a cat nap between 4 and 6pm sometime
Nurse and to bed by 7:30pm

-Chewing on your hands
-Sucking your thumb!?
-"Playing" with big brother
-Blowing raspberries
-Looking at yourself in the mirror
-Playing with toys
-Grabbing toys on your play mat
-Riding like a big boy in your stroller
-Your magic sleepsuit (you always put yourself to sleep unless you are over tired)
-Playing in your jumperoo
-Hobbly Horse

-Having to burp/gas
-Poopy diapers
-Being tired
-Kisses from Baxter

-Found your toes
-Started giggling
-1st time swimming
-1st time in the outdoor swing
-Met Grandma Karen

-Brax man
-Chunky man
-Smiley Boy
-Baby boy

Trying to grab those toes while sitting up!

Checking out your toes!

Hmmm...what is this sitting next to me!?

I think I'll just eat this bear up!

::Pictures From the Past Month::

Getting naked at Big Brother's swim lessons because it's so hot at the pool!

First time swinging!

Playing with your toys...mainly your favorite ball!

Always making faces!

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