Saturday, June 25, 2016

Christian Says What!?!

While driving through the country with his Grandma Jill where the houses are far apart...
C: "Grandma, go faster!"
G: "I am going fast."
C: "But the houses aren't going by fast enough!"

While at his Grandma Jill's house, Christian noticed a yoga ball in her closet...
C: "Grandma, are you going to have a baby?"
G: "No....why?"
C: "You have a ball in your closet just like mommy's" 
(And mommy bounced on that ball a lot while she was pregnant)

While sitting on the couch one morning as I was trying to get a show started...
C: "Does Baxter believe in Jesus?"
M: "Sure"
C: "Does Braxton does?"
M: "He does!"
C: "Jack and Judd? Juddy?"
M: "They do!"
C: "Their daddy does?"
M: "He does"
C: "Does my daddy believe in Jesus?"
M: "He most definitely does!"
C: "What about the pillows?"
M: "The pillows don't. They don't know how to believe in Jesus. Do you believe in Jesus?"
C: "Yep!"

While laying in bed getting ready to go to sleep...
C: "Mama, can we do chap snats?" 
(Snap chat)

After going to the Twins game with daddy....
C: "Mama! The baseball throwers didn't throw a ball into my glove!"

While playing at the park, a little boy fell while climbing up the ladder and his mom freaked out, yelling at him saying, "Did you break your damn arm!?" I had Christian leave the area and find a new place to play, but while we were eating lunch at the park...
C: "That kid broke his damn arm, mom." 
Great. Just great. Although he did mispronounce damn at least...And we haven't heard it since!

We were headed outside for Christian to ride his bike. I get out to the garage and there he is -- 
just in underwear with his shirt on backwards and Jim's tennis shoes. I wish I had gotten a picture!

While playing stickers on day 1 of potty training...
C: "I'll be right back guys!"
M: "Do you have to go potty?"
C: "I do!"

While putting Christian to bed -- he wouldn't lay still and try to sleep...
M: "You need to lay still and close your eyes and try to sleep or I'm going to leave"
C: *After growling at me* "I'm frustrated with you!"

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