Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Christian's Baptism

On Saturday, June 8, 2013, Christian James Foote was baptized at our church, Hosanna!

As believers, hubby and I knew that we wanted Christian to be baptized right away. Due to the baptism schedule at our church, and our family all being out of town, we decided to have Christian baptized at only a week old. 

We wanted family to be able to celebrate with us and to see him soon after he was born, so logistically baptizing him early worked best. Plus, our church only does baptisms every other month or so. I also help with the baptisms and the calmest, happiest babies are the teeny tiny ones who sleep through their ceremony. 

Our church baptizes people of all ages. You can be baptized as a baby and/or as an adult. However, we believe that the spirit is just as present in a baby baptism and there is no need to baptize again unless you are moved to do so. Baptism is symbolic of an active faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 

Hosanna! baptizes children of believers because they "believe that the gift of God's grace in Jesus is so big and God-initiated that it is given even before someone can respond to it. Parents and others then take on the important responsibility of raising the baptized child to understand how big this gift is- to eventually respond by opening it personally one day!" 

It is our prayer that the Holy Spirit will be active and moving in Christian's heart and life and that he will one day choose to follow Jesus himself. We have committed to teach him and guide him along that path, Lord willing. 

Here are some pictures from the day as well as a video of the ceremony. We were so blessed to even have the same pastor that married us be able to baptize Christian as well! Not a common thing in our huge church! 

Christian is super blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love him! 

Great Grandma Breiby, Grandma Jill, and Grandpa Jeff

Grandpa Ron and Great Grandma Charlotte

Grandpa Dan and Grandma Karen

Mommy and Daddy's friends 
Dana, Pat, Krista, Alissa, and Jaden and Zoe

'Uncle Pat' - Godfather 

We may have forgotten to get a pic of him in his huge baptism suit this is all we have. He also had a beautiful crocheted blanket from Great Grandma Greta. 

Meeting Dana for the first time. 

Meeting Great Grandma Charlotte for the first time.

Meeting Grandpa Jeff for the first time.

So excited for all that the Lord has in store for our little guy! Praying that we will be good examples and guides pointing him to Christ!

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