Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Christian James - 1 Week Old!

Wow! I can't believe that last week at this time I was just starting pitocin and about to begin to feel the most pain I have ever felt in my life! I had been having contractions before the pitocin, but contractions WITH pitocin were basically non-stop pain! 

At 7:36pm a week ago today, we welcomed Christian James into the world! 

He had his first Doctor appointment today and is already back to his birth weight! 
8 pounds (in the 55th percentile) 
20 inches long (in the 46th percentile) 
35.6 cm Head Circumference (in the 63rd percentile) 

He LOVES his hands! Even after a feeding when he has a full tummy, his hands are in his mouth or by his face. 

He is a very happy baby. Only cries if he needs his diaper changed and sometimes when he is hungry. 

He mainly starts smacking his lips and sticking his tongue out when he is hungry. 

He eats every 2 hours throughout the day and often feels like he is eating non-stop. He is a hungry boy! 

Now that my milk has come in, he has about 11-12 dirty diapers each day. Might be a little less but at the slightest sign of a wet diaper (blue strip on his pampers) or the first tooty poop noise, we change him. 

He also lifts his head and looks around from time to time. 

And Baxter loves being a big brother! He takes great care of baby brother :) 

He used to follow ME wherever I he goes wherever Christian goes! Usually lays right up on the edge of the boppy while I feed Christian and sits up on the bed next to the changing table while I change Christian. If Christian starts crying, Bax will give him little puppy kisses! 

He also loves having tummy time and skin to skin time with daddy.

Christian is also sleeping really well!! A nurse came for a home visit on Monday just to check on us and see how things are going. At this visit Christian was 7 pounds 12 oz (he was 7 pounds 8 oz at discharge from the hospital). Because he is doing so well with eating and gaining weight, the nurse said we didn't need to keep waking him up every 2-3 hours to eat at night. So we stopped! 

Christian wakes up about once a night now! 
He sleeps anywhere from 4-6 hours straight! Then he will need a diaper change, eat, and fall right back to sleep! We have also found that giving him a bath before bed and his last feeding and rubbing him down with some Johnson's lavender bedtime lotion and he is out like a light! He is a good sleeper! :) 

With that said, he had his first bath this week too! And isn't the biggest fan!

He is wearing newborn clothes and 0-3 month because we didn't buy much for newborn stuff.  He does drown a bit in the size 0-3 months.

He had his first trip to church on Sunday and did great! He loved all the music! We will see how he does when there isn't communion and a lot less music... 

He also took his first trip to the grocery store last night! Slept the whole time!

His first week has been spent meeting lots of new people too! Everyone has been excited to meet him! 

Meeting mommy for the first time! 

 Meeting Daddy for the first time! 

 'Uncle' Pat!


His 'future girlfriend' Nora...he likes older women :) 

Grandma Jill...she has been waiting a looooong time for this!! :) 

Grandpa Ron


Stylin' in stripes with Daddy and Uncle Pat



'Auntie' Amy 

Great Grandma

Uncle Justin

'Auntie' Megan

And some extra special visitors...the kids I used to nanny for! 
Zoe...aka 'Future Babysitter/Baby Helper' :) 


Jaden showing Christian the picture of the 2 of them together :) So cute!! 

Can't wait for these 3 to be able to play together! But let's take awhile to get to that point :) 

Zoe and Jaden's mom, Krista

Zoe and Jaden's dad, you can tell...Zoe is in love :) 

He is already greatly loved! 

Today he will get to meet Grandpa Dan from New York and on Friday Grandma Karen from New York will be here too! 

Love you baby boy!! We are so blessed to be your parents! 

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