Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Christian James - 2 Weeks Old!

Time sure flies! While I've pretty much forgotten the pain of childbirth, it still seems like just yesterday that you (Christian) were born and we were bringing you home from the hospital! 

You are growing and changing so fast! It makes me want to have another baby right away! Not that we will be doing that :) 

In the past week, you have gained about 11 ounces! Growing big baby boy! The average range is about 3.5-7 ounces per week. Hungry boy you are! 

Today you weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces

You still love having your hands by your face. 

You have also started making eye contact and tracking moving objects! Way to go! 

When you are awake you are sure bright eyed! Mommy loves seeing those baby blues! :) 

Baxter still loves his brother too! 

Such a handsome little man! 

Baby toes!

Last Wednesday Grandpa Dan flew in from New York and got to meet you for the first time!

Here is Grandpa and his grandson Christian and 'Uncle Pat' with his "grandson" Baxter... ha ha 

Hanging out with Grandpa Dan. 

Baxter is always watching over you. I think he thinks its his job to make sure Mommy and Daddy take good care of you baby boy. 

Last Friday Grandma Karen flew in from New York. Here you are meeting her at the airport for the first time! She was so excited to see you! 

You have been pretty spoiled since coming into this world and are very loved! Here is a fun puzzle of a house called "CJ's Place" that you got as a special gift. I think you are going to think this is really neat some day! 

Daddy has been soaking up time with you before he has to go back to work next week. It will be so weird not having him home with us and we will miss him lots! 

While Grandpa Dan and Grandma Karen were visiting, we went on lots of different outings. Never failed that at some point while we were out, you would get hungry. Here mommy is burping you at a rooftop restaurant in downtown St. Paul

More lounging time with daddy! :) 

When you sleep in the pack 'n' play while Mommy and Daddy eat, Baxter watches over you and lets us know when you wake up. 

More time with Baxter! 

Everyone did a lot of napping this past week...everyone except Mommy because she isn't a very good napper. While the house was sleeping you got to try out your bouncy seat so mommy could fold some laundry. You seemed to really like it! 

More nap time...with Grandma Karen.

Daddy also loves to spike your hair. It's kinda growing on mommy... But you are just super cute no matter how you do your hair! 

You are such a good sleeper! Most nights you sleep 5-6 hours straight! Then you eat and go right back to sleep for a few more hours. When morning comes you are wide awake and bright eyed and bushy tailed! Such a handsome little man! 

The past few days we have been playing with the play mat from Grandma Jill. You LOVE it! The flashing lights and music from the hanging toys catches your attention and you like to look at yourself in the mirror. You have tried grasping a few of the toys too! 

Here you are looking at yourself in the mirror. 

You are also started to try to roll over! You can make it to your side so far. If you just figure out how to move your arm, you will roll all the way from your back to your tummy! You are so strong and growing too fast! 

Newborn clothes still fit you best, but 0-3 months sizes are less huge on you! Crazy! You are also still wearing newborn size diapers

Here is a video of you playing on your play mat and practicing rolling over with some help from Daddy. 

One last Baxter/Christian cuddle picture. You 2 are already the best of buds! 

Most of the time you spend with mommy is spent eating. You are a hungry growing boy! But mommy loves you soooo much! 

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