Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Madness!

We are officially on WEEK 2 of Stay At Home Mommy Life

Since baby boy isn't even a month old yet (but almost!!! :/), he doesn't exactly have the most consistent or predictable routine... But we are getting into more of a groove! 

Feel free to check out my posts over at 'Mommy in the Making'  on how I filled my days "pre-baby" and what life was really like "back then"

Honestly, things haven't changed a TON. Life does revolve around Christian now and what he needs, when he needs it! We really don't have a "schedule", but we do have some what of a "routine". 

Life with Christian

Sometime between 6:30am-8am Christian wakes up and is ready for a diaper change and to eat

After a little bit of snuggle time, Christian chills out in his bouncy seat or swing while mommy pumps

By about 8:45am/9am time for a little snack and then Christian hopefully/usually goes down for an hour to an hour and a half nap and mommy gets to have breakfast and shower (and today even blog!) 

Awake again and time to eat by about 10:30am and then usually back down for another hour and a half nap or so 

Afternoons are usually spent much more awake! Lots of rocking and cuddling with mommy! Sometimes we will read books or play on his play mat. No real "routine" in the afternoons yet....probably mainly because we have often been out and about a lot in the afternoons! 

Then daddy is usually home by around 4pm/5pm and we enjoy some family time before mommy starts making dinner. 

We sometimes go for an evening family walk and then bath time for baby boy sometime between 8pm/9:30pm and then time to eat before he goes down for the night! 

It will be interesting to see how this changes over the next few weeks and we get more of a "schedule"...hopefully :) If not, at least we have a bit of a "routine"

Looking to add some more stroller walks into our day, though! It just can be hard since baby boy doesn't always eat on a consistent schedule or at a consistent time and its not good to be in the middle of a walk when he decides he is hungry! :) 

So here is what we have on the agenda this week!

{The Weather}::: Minnesota has been having lots of storms lately! Luckily, Farmington has missed out on the brunt of them and we haven't gotten really any damage. Looks like about a 50% chance of storms again tomorrow and Wednesday but sun the rest of the week! Temps are going to be warm all week too! Highs in the upper 70s - low/upper 80s! Summer is officially here in Minnesota! With all of the humidity too! 

{What's Cooking?}::: It seems my hubby checks my blog to know what we are eating each this section has become mainly for him :) ha ha Love you hubby! Here's what's on the Menu! 
  • Monday - Chicken and Biscuits
  • Tuesday - Fajitas
  • Wednesday - BBQ Ribs and fresh green beans
  • Thursday - BLTs
  • Friday - Chicken and salads

{Weight Loss}::: Here's to being transparent and held accountable! I gained 48 pounds while pregnant with Christian...yes, that's 13 pounds more than the highest recommended for me having started at a healthy weight...oops! So far I have lost 30 pounds without any effort, so about 18 more to go! I made my first trip to the gym yesterday (with approval from my doctor) and am starting Weight Watchers for Nursing moms this week! I'll keep you posted :) They recommend losing about a pound a week so it could still be awhile before I'm fully back to my pre-pregnancy self, but slow and steady is good too! 

{Things I Hope to Accomplish}:::
  1. Finish filling out the details of Christian's birth and labor story in my pregnancy journal...hopefully even write up his birth story to share on the blog too! 
  2. 4 Week Baby Update on the blog...stay tuned! 
  3. Clean the house
  4. Do the laundry 
  5. Grocery Shopping and couponing

{Weekly Appointments}:::
  • Monday - Prepping food for snacks/etc for Weight Watchers
  • Tuesday - Get together with my 'New Mama Class' 
  • Wednesday - Lunch with Daddy at work and then New Mama Class from 1-3pm
  • Thursday - Small Group night!
  • Friday - Grocery Shopping and laundry day...we will see if we can get that much accomplished in one day... 
  • Saturday - Daddy works at church at night and maybe going to Apple Valley Freedom Days during the day
  • Sunday - Daddy works at church in the morning and then family time in the afternoon 
Have a Great Week!! 

Baby boy will be a month old on Saturday already! Check back for an update...our last 'weekly' update before starting monthly updates! :) 

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