Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Braxton Allen -- 1 Week Old!

I think time goes even faster with #2! The past week sure flew right by!

Braxton is already almost back to his birth weight. He was born at 8 pounds and was 7 pounds 12 oz when we were discharged from the hospital (24 hours after he was born!). 

He had his first doctor appointment on the Friday after he was born and was already up to 7 pounds 15 oz. 

Since little man is nearly back at his birth weight, I've started letting him sleep at night and don't wake him up every 3 hours any more....and he's been giving me 4-6 hour stretches! I do wake him to eat during the day but he usually is up and hungry every 2 hours

He wasn't as eager to nurse as Big Brother was as a newborn, but he is doing well now. He also lets you know when he is hungry! Christian would just slightly fuss when he was ready to eat, but our little love has some good lungs and makes it known when he is ready to eat! 

He is much more content now, but was cluster feeding like crazy for awhile. 

He also likes to be held and isn't always the biggest fan of the swing. We've tried the baby carrier a few times (Beco), but he also isn't a fan of being upright or on my chest. However, he doesn't seem to mind being in the cradle hold position with the moby. He just looks so squished that way that it makes mama a little nervous. 

He is pretty much exactly the same size as Christian was...only a 1/2 inch longer! 
Wearing all newborn size clothes. 

He had his first trip to church this week and ate pretty much the whole time we were there! He actually was at church twice this week -- for regular service and for the Family Fun night on Friday! 

The day after we came home from the hospital he also took his first trip to the grocery store

On Thursday he had his first visit to Moms Group as well as his first time at small group
He got to meet his future best buddy, Jameson, who was born only 3 days before him! 

Braxton's first night at home! 

Big Brother Christian is adjusting really well and loves Mr. Braxton! He is doing a great job of being gentle too. 

We got back and forth on whether or not he looks like Big Brother as a baby...but in pictures like this one, I think he sure does!

Daddy and his boys! 

Milk mustache

Braxton also had his first bath this week and Big Brother was a great helper washing his hair. 

Braxton actually didn't hate bath like Christian did, but it may be that mommy and daddy learned a thing or 2! With Christian, since he could only have a sponge bath, we didn't even fill the tub up with water really. For Braxton, we filled the tub with warm, cozy water that he was soaking in a bit but still kept his belly button out of the water. So he wasn't nearly as cold! And he didn't scream like Christian did. 

So far this family of 4 thing is really fun! Daddy goes back to work next week, though, so we will see after that! Love watching Christian love on his brother. Can't wait to see their bond only continue to grow. 

Love you so much little man! We are so lucky to have you join our family! 

Christian at 1 week old --> HERE


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