Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Easter 2016

Finally getting around to sharing about Easter! 

Christian was SO into it this year which was a ton of fun! 

He actually really got how to dye eggs. Last year he was more interested in the "kerplunk" of dropping the eggs in the dye and watching them splash. This year he actually had the patience to set the eggs in the dye fairly gently and let them sit for awhile! 

Braxton, on the other hand, slept through all of the egg dying... 

I don't think there were really any that were too cracked this year either! 

I only made a dozen, but should have done more. He asked for more when they were gone...and asked again the next day if he could dye Easter eggs again!

Braxton made his first "craft". Christian's attention span was definitely stretched with putting on the cotton balls on, but I sure have 2 cute little bunnies!

We do one Easter basket for each of the boys and fill it with things they are into or need. Unfortunately, I ordered a pottery barn basket liner for Braxton and when I went to put it on his basket I realized they embroidered his name on it upside down. Huge bummer! Even more so when I called to get it replaced and they told me they were out of that liner! We tried a different one only to be disappointed in how little his name "popped" so hopefully we have better luck next year! 

On Easter morning Christian came into our room and we told him the Easter bunny came and hid Easter eggs and an Easter basket. He was SO excited!! 

After finding eggs and his basket and eating lots of jelly beans, we got dressed and were off to church! 

Braxton slept through the service...

Luckily Christian did fairly well with his bag of toys...but I couldn't tell you what the message was about but HE IS RISEN! 

Our handsome boys in their Easter best! Too bad my big boy refused to wear his tie...

So fun watching Christian start to really learn and grasp the Easter story this year too!
Here is his take on it! 

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