Monday, April 11, 2016

Life with 2! {A Baby and A Toddler}

Before Braxton was born, I was pretty nervous about being a mama to TWO! I wanted another baby, but I was a little anxious about how to divide and share my time between two little loves. 

I don't know if it was because I thought that I could only love one of my boys at a time and that I couldn't be present and love them both at the same time or what. Yes, there have definitely been challenges with sharing my time, but often I am able to be with them both at the same time giving them both what they need....and it couldn't make my heart more full! 

We have fallen into a pretty good routine now, which has definitely helped! 

I try to get up before both boys, usually after Braxton's early morning feeding between 5/6am. Then I got a little time to myself to drink my coffee while it's still hot AND I get to get ready in peace and quiet. Yes, this often leaves me even more tired, but man it sure makes for a better start to our days! I'm fully ready to take on all that my boys have to offer as soon as they jump out of bed. 

We then do breakfast and usually a show while I pump after Braxton wakes up for the day. This is all usually around 7/8am. I get the boys dressed and ready and then we either head out the door to an activity or I get Braxton in his swing to sleep and Christian and I start playing. 

It doesn't always go so smooth, but when it doesn't, moments like these still make it worth it. 

Watching Christian love on his baby brother about makes my heart explode! He loves to hold him and talk to him.

And includes him in his play whenever he can! 

Or joins him in his play!

If we can have a good morning and start to the day, the rest of the day is usually a breeze!

Sometimes the challenges of the day come when Braxton needs comforting or help getting to sleep and Christian needs me too -- to play with him, get him lunch, or just plain chase after him when we are out and about! 

That's when baby wearing saves the day! 

I don't know how I got by without baby wearing much with Christian. I seriously love it! I get baby snuggles in AND I get to keep up with Christian and have time with him. 

Braxton wasn't the biggest fan of baby wearing in the early weeks. He would fight it and usually get mad that he was so close to me, yet wasn't nursing. You can nurse while baby wearing, but he was still too little for me to be able to figure that out. Once he finally embraced it, he would just zonk right out and take some of his longest naps! He sleeps especially well if I vacuum while wearing him! 

I've tried a lot of different baby carriers -- Chicco Baby Carrier, Moby, JJ Cole Agility Wrap, Beco Gemini, and the Wrapy. 

The Chicco KILLED my back and doesn't have the ergonomic design that is good for baby's hips.

The Moby would stretch out really fast and I could never get it wrapped tight enough. 

The Wrapy (pictured below) is basically a Moby but I love the fabric so much more! It's super soft and stretchy and holds baby tight to you! There is a lot of fabric, but once you get the hang of wrapping, it's really easy. There are also plenty of videos on the Wrapy website for how to wrap. This wrap is so comfortable!

The JJ Cole Agility wrap has the same concept as the Moby and Wrapy without the wrapping. WAY less fabric and very comfortable, but I didn't feel like it held baby tight enough to me.  At least not in comparison to a structured carrier.

Love that my hands are now free and I can get stuff done! Such a necessity with baby #2!

Wraps I find to work really well when your baby is still really little and snuggly. Now that Braxton is getting a little bigger -- let's be honest, he's a chunky man! - I prefer a more structured carrier and LOVE my Beco gemini! Holds him so tight and secure and I can even bend over without feeling like he might fall out. Keeps him nice and tight to my chest and I'm able to get so much done! Like making dinner with my big helper, Christian. 

I don't think I could survive life with 2 without baby wearing. With summer coming up, I'm sure I will be baby wearing even more as I'm chasing Christian around outside.

We are definitely settled in to life as a family of 4 and we couldn't be happier!

**I was provided a Wrapy Baby Wrap for the purpose of this review. All opinions are 100% my own**

You can purchase your own Wrapy here. They are currently only shipping within the US. 

For even more information on the Wrapy Baby Wrap, check them out on


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