Friday, November 7, 2014

One and Done?

Wow. There sure are a lot of things no one tells you in life! Amiright????

From pregnancy to parenting, I feel like there is a lot that got left out. At least for me.

For example, I thought pregnancy was going to be a walk in the park! All "glowing" and fat in a cute way.

For starters, that "glow" that they talk about isn't a "glow" at all...It's more of a sweat like sheen that your face takes on as your skin goes CRRAAAZZZYYY from all those pregnancy hormones and you start sweating your butt off because growing a baby sure makes you heat up!

And I never really felt cute. I just felt huge and swollen. Ain't nothing cute about that.

Oh. And there's something called morning sickness that doesn't just happen in the mornings...and it's not much like what they show in the movies. For real. Why don't they just be honest and call it 24/7 sickness? Does anyone ever just get it in the mornings?

I thought life wouldn't change until AFTER having a baby. Boy was that thought wrong. Pretty sure our lives changed abruptly right after we found out I was pregnant.

I finally had a reason for being SO tired all of the time...which meant I started to give myself permission to go to bed at like 6pm...ha! And to take several naps throughout the day and not feel guilty in. the. LEAST!

And then of course there was the puking which started around 6 weeks and lasted for at least 22  weeks but the constant nausea lasted all 41 weeks. Yep. 10 months of feeling sick.

That's right...10. You didn't misread that. 40 weeks is actually 10 months. Not sure how they get off saying you are only pregnant for 9 months... Do the math...4 weeks in a month. 40 divided by 4 equals 10 last time I checked. Not 9 ;)

And then once said baby is born, you have to start thinking about when you might want #2! No one told me that!

I thought, okay, we will have a baby and just enjoy parenthood and our growing little squishy boy!

And then BAM!

Christian turned one and everyone is all like "When you going to have #2?"


#2? That wasn't even on my radar yet ha ha

I mean, I've always known I wanted more than one little munchkin, and hubby too, but shoot. Time is getting away from us. We have friends with kids Christian's age who have already popped out #2 or #2 is on their way soon! And friends with kids younger than Christian already expecting #2.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Time to step off the comparison train, though. We don't all have to do life on the same timeline.

Yes, I've been pinning to my baby #2 board on pinterest. But really, who actually reads all the things they pin?? Wait, you do? Oops. I guess that's just mean who only pins...

Anyway, this post is getting super ADD...Back to one and done.

We went to see some friends a few weeks ago who recently had a baby boy. SUPER cute little man. Wish I would have remembered to take some pictures. Christian gave him kisses and it was so cute!

Both hubby and I thought we were setting ourselves up for major baby fever to begin to set in.

But guess what???

It didn't.

Yes, he was super cute and cozy and fun to snuggle. But man I love this toddler stage so much more. I love the ability to interact. That Christian is starting to have such a little personality with likes and dislikes...that he isn't afraid to let you know :)

That on top of loving Christian so much more than I ever thought possible...I left loving other people's newborns, but unsure if I want one any time soon.

I mean, I don't want to lose any one on one time with Christian and I seriously just love him so much. I can't imagine loving another that much! Although, I hear this is a common mom fear of future second time moms.

But wow. I never thought I could ever even THINK about being a "one and done" mom.

Don't worry. I want more. Hubby wants more. There will someday be more cute little Foote's running around this house. But when, I don't know. I mean, can I even handle all that pregnancy is with an active little boy running around?

How did you decide it was time for #2? Or are you a "one and done" family?

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