Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Thankful Project Day 12: Our House

Welcome to day 4 of The Thankful Project. Today's prompt is: An Experience. To learn more about The Thankful Project, find the list of prompts and join in the fun, click {here}.

I'm linking up with Kenzie at Chasing Happy for this post. 

If you're following along with The Thankful Project, you're probably thinking how is a house an opportunity?? After all, today's prompt is to write about "An Opportunity" that you are thankful for.

Well, I guess I've decided to stray from the prompts. Gasp!!

I'm loving the concept of The Thankful Project, but I'm also very thankful for some things that weren't listed in the prompts and I want to share about those too.

So today I'm thankful for our house.

I'm thankful that still being somewhat of newlyweds, we have our own place. We don't live in someone's basement or with our parents. We own a townhouse. It is ours. We can paint and change things up and its fully our place.

Being a townhouse, we are also part of an association and have to pay monthly dues, but we don't have to ever worry about making repairs to the outside of our house, doing the landscaping, or removing the snow. All of our time at home can be spent together in fun. Not that raking leaves isn't fun...I actually wish we got to do that!

But this is about being thankful...

I'm also so thankful that our townhouse is a nice little 2 bedroom. Because of its perfect size I can clean the entire house, top to bottom, in only 1 hour! Meaning our house is cleaned every week on Thursday. Love that! Especially as a new mom with little time its nice to know that I can always squeeze in time to do all the cleaning, even mopping! And mopping and vacuuming is going to only become more important as our active little guy starts to be on the move!

I'm also thankful that our bedroom is so close to Christian's. I still remember that first night he slept in his own room...okay, we slept in there with him the first night. I guess I mean the 2nd night then...
On the 2nd night of him sleeping in his own room he was still close enough that I usually hear his moaning from his room before it even comes across on the baby monitor as cries. I'm thankful that he isn't on a completely different floor than us and is so close.

I'm also thankful that the size of our house limits what we keep. It helps me prioritize and reduce clutter because I am a true hoarder at heart. I see things for what they can become...even if that never becomes a reality. It almost saddens me to throw away paper towel tubes because I know they could one day make such fun crafts for a preschooler. But I digress.

I love our little house. I love that its ours and its clean and its cozy and organized. And I am so thankful that my hubby did such a great job picking it out before he even met me!

What are you thankful for today? 
Is there an opportunity that you are thankful for? 
Or something else? I'd love to hear about it! 

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