Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Thankful Project Day 7: A Job

Welcome to day 4 of The Thankful Project. Today's prompt is: An Experience. To learn more about The Thankful Project, find the list of prompts and join in the fun, click {here}.

I'm linking up with Kenzie at Chasing Happy for this post. 

The job that I am most thankful for actually isn't even a job that I have had.
Instead, its my husband's job.

I am thankful for the job that my husband has at Best Buy Corporate. 

My husband has worked at Best Buy for 10 years now. He has actually worked his way up to where he is from the very bottom. Just over 10 years ago, he started working at Best Buy as a Seasonal Employee. Little did he know that this would eventually become his career. His role has changed over time and he has had several promotions to be where he is today now working at the Corporate Office.

My husband loves his job. He looks forward to going to work every day and enjoys the difference that he is able to make there. The work that he does impacts all Best Buy stores and employees...which is a lot of stores and people! And even more, he is GREAT at what he does.

I'm so thankful that my husband is able to use his gifts in his everyday work. I'm even more thankful for all that Best Buy has done to shape my husband into the man and the worker that he is today.

But even more than all of this, I am thankful for my husband's job because it allows me to fulfill my dreams of being a stay at home mom. I would have said this is the job that I am thankful for, but I don't being a stay at home mom isn't a "job". It's a way of life.

I don't get vacation days or sick days or any days off.

Lunch breaks are non-existent.

Pay is low and days are long.

I do get "nap times"...for now.

But the benefits of being with our little boy every day and getting his every smile and being able to snuggle away his every tear is the best thing I could ever ask for.

And for that I am so thankful.

What job have you had or do you have that you are thankful for? 

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