Friday, November 1, 2013

The Thankful Project

I can't believe that October is over and November is here. 

Every year it seems it becomes more and more tempting to start thinking about Christmas earlier and earlier. Black Friday sales have even been creeping right into Thanksgiving Day! 

Well, this year with a 5 month old I have really been trying to not get ahead of myself with my desire to run out and go Christmas shopping. {There may already be a Christmas present hiding in our closet...} 

I want Christian to really be able to understand the real meaning of Christmas - To be just as excited about celebrating the birth of Jesus as he is about Santa coming. 

In doing that, I'm not going to jump ahead of things. I'm going to enjoy each season as they come. 

Halloween has come and gone. 

Now its time to get ready for Thanksgiving. Thankfulness is something that I really want to build into our lives daily, but this year I'm joining in with Kenzie at Chasing Happy for The Thankful Project. 

I wasn't ambitious enough to take on the 31 Day Challenge in October with The Nester
Maybe next year. 

The Thankful Project comes with a list of 28 days of writing prompts. 
{Visit Chasing Happy to find the list of prompts}

I'll be writing posts in response to prompts from the above list and then will be linking up with Chasing Happy

Will you join us? 

I'm not committing to writing every day like with the Nester's 31 Day Challenge. But I'm going to intentionally focus on being Thankful in November

Don't you have much to be thankful for? 


  1. hum... I am thinking... This is a great idea!!

    1. That's what I was thinking! Will help me stay focused on not rushing the seasons too. So not on board with stores opening on Thanksgiving day now :(


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