Friday, November 1, 2013

Christian's First Halloween

Happy Halloween! 

I think its safe to say Christian had a pretty fun Halloween! 

We started it off last week with a baby Halloween Party.

Complete with Musical story time and a fall photo! 

Then on Halloween day we of course had to make a craft! 

Little Ghosty Feets :) 


Later that night we got our little lion all dressed up and took some pictures 
before heading out "trick or treating". 

Isn't he just the cutest, cuddliest lion you've ever seen? 

"Trick or Treating" involved going to a handful of our couple friend's {from our small group} houses. Only the first one who stopped at actually turned out to be home. 

But this was the only one Christian wanted to see :) 

Isn't Nora the cutest little lady bug!?! 

Now, can you guess who is 5 months and who is 9 months!??! If it wasn't for Christian's leaning sitting up, he is nearly as big as this girl already!! Such a big boy! 

Baby Halloween Train! 

Such a fun visit we had! And Christian got some baby mum - mum treats! Yummy! Thanks, Nora! 

What did you do for Halloween? 


  1. Replies
    1. They are! :) And my thought was that its fairly gender neutral (obviously since Grace was a lion too) so when we have another baby we might be able to use it again!


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