Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Christian's Birth Story - Chapter 6 ... Then Comes a Baby in a Baby Carriage - We're Pregnant!

About a week after getting home from their honeymoon, the young girl kept finding herself super tired. She was confused how such a relaxing trip could have left her so tired so she forced herself to stay up until her normal bed time every night and wouldn't allow an earlier bed time. 

As the due date for her period drew closer, the couple decided that they should take a pregnancy test, just for fun and to practice for when they really needed to take one! Of course, it came back negative. A few days later, though, they decided to test again...still negative. 

On September 15, 2012, the couple went out to dinner to celebrate exactly 4 weeks of marriage! They were chatting away and talking about all that the last 4 weeks had brought. All of a sudden, the young girl realized that her period was a day late, but she was sure it was probably still coming because she was never that regular. Then the young girl realized that she wasn't experiencing any of the normal PMS type symptoms that she normally would be at that point. The young man immediately said that the young girl needed to take another test. The young girl was hesitant, and didn't want to be disappointed yet again. But she decided to take another test as soon as they got home...

And it was POSITIVE!!! 

The young girl was in shock and the young man turned as white as a ghost! He was so excited and so shocked and scared all at the same time, as was the young girl! The young man immediately insisted that the couple go to the store and buy more tests, as this was their last test. They needed to be sure that this was an accurate reading. 

So to the store they went! The young girl was so embarrassed going in to buy just a pregnancy test and told her young husband to be sure to flash his ring to the cashier A LOT! The young girl was shaking she was so nervous!

Once they got the tests, the young girl immediately took 2 more as soon as they got home. They BOTH were positive again!!! 

Right away, they got on the phone and conference called both their moms! They knew right away what the couple had to share and were so excited!! 

Next it was time to call the dads...who also were VERY excited! 

And the best friend...a text message for her at first and this was her response :) 

Just to be sure, the couple decided the young girl should test again first thing in the morning...POSITIVE again! 

But still...JUST TO BE SURE...they went to urgent care Sunday afternoon and had a blood test done.
Apparently at home tests are quite accurate and it is highly unlikely that you will get a false positive. As soon as the couple told the doctor that they had gotten several positive test results at home, the doctor confidently said, "You're pregnant" before even giving the young girl the test. 

And sure enough...the blood test came back POSITIVE! They were having a baby! 

 Waiting in the doctor's office...SOOOO nervous! 

And the story continues.... 

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