Monday, July 29, 2013

Christian James - 2 Months Old!

Here we are at 2 Months Old already! 

You are growing and changing right before our eyes every day! It seems like just yesterday you were born, but at the same time it seems like forever ago! You've been a very alert baby boy from day 1 and even started trying to hold your head up right away, but you are getting more and more interactive and strong by the day! 

You now weigh 12 Pounds, 9 Ounces (61%) and are 23 inches long (55%) and your head is 15.24 inches around (42%).

Be warned...this post has a photo overload...I couldn't NOT include any of these're just too cute!

Look at how you've changed from last month

You've gained 2 pounds and 9 ounces and have grown 1.5 inches in the past month! 

You have become even more smiley and chatty

Your eyes have become a very pretty shade of blue and your hair is starting to fade to more strawberry blonde. It will be interesting to see if these change at all over the next 10 months. 

You have now completely outgrown all of your newborn clothes except for shorts. You don't have the longest legs or the biggest waist and newborn shorts still fit you best. You finally outgrew your newborn clothes around 6 weeks. Besides wearing mainly newborn shorts, you are now completely in size 0-3 months clothes

Your newborn size diapers started to leak around 7 weeks old so we used up the rest of the newborn diapers and you are now fully in size 1 diapers! Yay for no more leaks! :) 

You go through about 10-12 diapers per day

You now sleep a solid 7-9 hours each night pretty consistently! Bedtime is still usually between 8:30 and 9:30pm but we are trying to get a more set bedtime and wake up time. Hopefully by 3 months we will have more of a schedule. Something tells me that might not be the case :) 

Most nights we can put you to bed drowsy and you will fall asleep on your own, but sometimes you like to be rocked to sleep

You have been a pretty sleepy guy lately, taking long naps each day too! 

Sometimes in the afternoon mommy will put you down for your nap in your crib (and then daddy can watch you from work on his iPad), but you mainly nap in your swing still. Partly because you sleep best there and partly because mommy likes you close to her. 

This month you survived taking your oral antibiotic and your finger is all back to normal! Such a good boy! 

You are looking so big and grown up! 

- Sleeping tummy to tummy in daddy's arms (Daddy loves this too :) ) 
-Laying on your play mat 
-Talking! and being talked to
-Being on your changing table and getting your diaper changed
-Naps in your swing
-Bath time... you have been smiling at and talking to the wall while you kick and splash! 
-Kisses from Baxter
-Kicking and moving
-Tummy time on your boppy
-Sitting at the dinner table with Mommy and Daddy 
-Reading stories
-Skyping with your New York Family
-Play time with Grandma Jill
-Your friend Nora :) 

Being lazy with holding your head up... silly boy.

-Too many kisses from Baxter
-Being too hot 
-Not being able to move
-Too much tummy time 
-Pooping...its a lot of work! 

Baxter said, "Hey mom! Don't I am 2 years, 2 months and 12 days old too!" 

-Holding head up more
-Slept 9 hours straight through the night!
-Moved to size 1 diapers love to hold onto mommy's shirt when you are eating and have even grasped the toys on your play mat (but more on accident than on purpose)
-Consistent smiles and very chatty! We had to leave church early and sit in the atrium a few weeks ago because you were making lots of noise
-You celebrated your first 4th of July!
-First trip to Canterbury Park
-You've found your hands! You shake them in front of your face and look at them and then in your mouth they go! 
-You've also found your ears and have been trying to pull them off of your head! Mommy was worried you had an ear infection so we went to the doctor early for your 2 month check up and you were fine! 
-Survived your 2 month shots
-Trying to roll over more
-Graduated from our 'New Mama' Class

You're still a really chatty boy :) 

Smiley too! 

Chatting it up on your changing table is one of your favorite things! 

Celebrating your first 4th of July! 

Play time on the floor with daddy! And Baxter too :) 

Baxter is your favorite side kick!

He loves to greet you with kisses first thing every morning! 

And just hanging out together chatting it up is great fun too!

And don't forget about story time together...

Loving on Baxter :) 

Your 'Poop Face

Working it out! 

Talking to Daddy

Talking to the wall during bath time :) 

Your play mat also continues to be one of your favorite things! You will lay under the musical kitty and talk and smile for the longest time! 

Your neck is getting stronger and stronger and you love tummy time on your boppy! You can also hold your head up when sitting in someone's lap!

Kickin' back at the table eating lunch with mommy

Your first trip to Canterbury Park with Great Grandma too! This is her favorite thing to do when she comes to visit. 

Getting ready to place your bet! 

Visiting Daddy at work

You have also started sitting in your bumbo seat for short stretches of time. More 'tummy time'!

Skyping with your New York Family...lots of stories to tell them! 

You're a tough boy! Shots don't scare you! All smiles after getting your shots :)
So proud of you and conquering the nasty 'first' shots! 

How time flies! You are getting so big! We can't believe you are already 2 months old! We love you more than words can say and can't wait to see what the next month brings! 


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