Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

Somebody had a lot of fun for his first 4th of July! 
Poor little guy barely napped all day because we kept him so busy! 

We started the day off with a 4th of July Parade in Apple Valley. We didn't quite make it through the entire thing (LONGEST. Parade. Ever.) Christian was getting pretty hot even stripped down to his diaper. And let's just say, cuddling with a baby as he is nursing under a nursing cover is VERY toasty! Bring on the air conditioning!! 

After the parade, we headed to a 4th of July Festival in Eagan. It was basically a fair, but very small and not too exciting. But we did enjoy some not so healthy fair food :) 

Finally, we ended the night right by heading to Fireworks

1. We asked an audiologist (who just happens to be a member of our church small group) if the noise would be safe for his very sensitive was :) 

2. We thought he might sleep through them...he didn't.

3. We thought if he didn't sleep through them he might be startled by the sound and cry...making us leave the fireworks. He didn't :) (we also sat pretty far from all the action, which may have helped)

He actually seemed to be watching them! So we had a very enjoyable first 4th of July as a little family! 

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