Thursday, October 3, 2013

Christian James - 4 Months Old

A few days late with this one, but WOW! 
I can't believe I have a 4 month old!! That is just crazy to me! 

As every month goes by, I keep thinking that I will miss the younger stages, but instead I keep thinking "THIS is my favorite age!" 

You are so strong and when people meet you for the first time they can never believe that you are as young as you are. 

You now weigh 16 pounds 6 ounces (66%)and are 25.4 inches long (about the 60%)! You are a growing boy! 

Your head circumference is also 16.5 inches! (also about the 60%)

That is another 2 pounds since last month!

Despite the weight gain and growth, I think that your changes are less obvious from month to month when it comes to your physical features. 

You are pretty much fully in 3-6 month size clothes but still are wearing a few 0-3 month pieces...mainly because we don't want to go buy new summer clothes when summer weather is about done. 

You have almost went through an entire diaper size this month! You are fully in size 2 diapers and size 3 fit as well! 

You have been fighting a diaper rash for the past month, but we realized that it was probably related to using Luvs diapers and have switched completely to Pampers and Target's Up and Up Brand. The little bit of rash that we can't get rid of I am guessing is from teething. The doctor said that since it doesn't seem to bother you we don't need to really worry about it...

We definitely think you have some teeth working their way up through those gums! We can't quite see them yet, but with all the drool, chewing of your hands, diaper rash, and random fussiness when we take away a toy you are chewing on, I think there has to be something going on in that mouth of yours! Although, mommy is in no hurry for you to start getting teefers! 

You probably only go through about 8-10 diapers a day now....but it really depends on how much you poop in a day sometimes! The last few days we have went through almost 3 diapers in one changing because every time mommy would put on a clean diaper you would start pooping right away! Silly boy! 

Always need a monthly pic with Basker :) 

You have went through a total of about 1,358 diapers since you were born!

You are still very smiley but not as super chatty. Although, church seems to be your favorite place to start talking :) 

Sleep has gone down hill the past month. You had been consistently sleeping 9-10 hours a night and over the past month I have been lucky if you sleep 5 hours before waking up. We did get two 7 hour nights over the weekend and mommy LOVED that!! She is getting sleepy! We aren't sure if you have just been growing and needing to eat more or if your inconsistent sleep is because we have started swaddling you with your arms out since you are starting to roll...OR because you are teething a bit. Hopefully we figure it out soon and can get back to our full nights of sleep :) 

Bed time is still at 9pm. You usually wake 1-2 times to eat during the night but you aren't consistent like you used to be. When you used to wake during the night it was usually always around the same sometimes you wake up at 1am, 3am, 4:30am, 5am, 6:30am...who knows when you will wake up! This is only another reason that I'm not sure you are really waking because you are hungry? 

No matter how many times you wake up during the "night" you usually are consistently
 up for the day between 8 and 9 am. 

You actually are maybe starting to fall into a schedule! Although, I'm sure it won't stay this way for long as we are already starting to tweak it! 

9am - Eat, bath, play 
10am - Nap 
11am - Eat, walk 
12pm - Nap 
1pm - Eat, play
2pm- Nap 
3pm - Eat, play 
4pm - Nap 
5pm - Eat, play 
Between 6 and 8 you will take a cat nap or 2
9pm - Bed time 

You take about 4 hours of naps each day. You are usually awake for about an hour then nap for an hour, but since we started having you nap in your swing again and added the black out curtains to your room, your naps have been getting longer...maybe that will improve your night time sleep?? Maybe if you can get longer, better naps you will be able to stay awake for longer stretches at a time? I'm just trying to figure out how to manage your eating schedule with your awake and sleep schedule. 

Sleep is fully in your crib with the occasional nap in your swing. Although, in an attempt to increase and improve your day time sleep, you have started to nap in your swing in your room...temporarily. You still fall asleep on your own in your crib but you often need your binky and will fuss for a bit before drifting off. Sometimes you wake up chatting and happy and other times you fuss. 

You are getting so strong with tummy time and holding that head up! But sometimes you get lazy or distracted by your hands and just want to chew on them! 

-Chewing on toys
-Bouncing in your bouncy seat
-"Playing" with Baxter
-Petting Baxter
-Going for walks
-Riding forward facing in the baby carrier
-"Praying" in church
-Blowing raspberries...spitting and sputtering
-Looking at yourself in the mirror
-Pulling yourself up/forward when sitting
-Rice cereal

-Pooping and poopy diapers
-Spitting up
-Teething...mommy still thinks you are working on something!
-Sleeping through the night

-Found your toes!
-Started giggling (belly laughs...but we can't always get you to do it)
-First time at child care at Lifetime
-First time swimming
-First Plane Ride
-First Twins Game
-Started love it! 

Telling secrets to your teddy bear :) 

-Little Man
-Handsome Man
-Buddy Boy
-Rico Suave

Practicing sitting up with the boppy....takes a lot of concentration!

You love playing with your toes! 

::Pictures from the Past Month::

First trip to the indoor pool at Lifetime

You LOVE being outside and playing in the grass and seeing the trees!

Lots of babies at small group...Nora (7 1/2 months, Christian 3 months, Judson 1 week)

You got to meet your Godmother Rachel from California! 

Skyping with Grandma Jill

Aamodt's Apple Farm on Labor Day

You found your toes! 

Trying to sit up. You always pull yourself forward so we have been practicing sitting up with the boppy!

Shocked that the President sent you a letter!

You are such a trooper with your shots! Brave boy you are :)

You started giggling like this after you got your shots! They won't stop you! 

Trying rice cereal for the first LOVE it!!! Can't get enough! 

Baby boy, we love you sooooo much! I still can't believe that I'm your mama! Not a day goes by that I don't feel super blessed to be able to be with you every day all day! Being your mama is the best thing in the world! Looking forward to the month ahead little man :) 



  1. I love the picture with his sunglasses on!!! Too cute!

    1. Thanks! He doesn't even try to take them off :) I think he likes them!

  2. I just found you via Thrive Moms! He's so cute!! Our little ones are close in age!! My boy will be four months on the 17th! Can you believe it goes by so fast!!

    1. Hey Alessandra! Thanks for stopping by :) Time sure does go WAY too fast!! Isn't it hard to believe you have a nearly 4 month old!?!


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